Chapter 13: Forget What?

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"If pain must come, may it come quickly. Because I have a life to live, and I need to live it in the best way possible. If he has to make a choice, may he make it now. Then I will either wait for him or forget him." -Paulo Coelho, By The River Piedra I Sat Down And Wept


Forget him.

My eyes instantly opened when I heard that voice. "Must be a dream." I muttered then laughed. It's funny how I used to say those exact two words in the start of our senior year in highschool. "Ah, senior year. Those days were fun." I whispered to myself.


"A! Your friends are here!" My mom called from the living room.

"Coming!" I shouted back, getting my things and run down stairs to meet them.

I walked towards the dining area and saw Rex and the other jocks, Alex, Arthur and Jeremy having breakfast. Mom might invited them to have breakfast with us since it's still early.

Today is our first day in senior year, the jocks had a sleep over at Rex's grandparents' place which is near our house so they just decided to pick me up. And yes, my mom is here at home, she was busy in my junior year in her and my aunt's project, which is to renovate the whole farm into a beach resort since the back of the farm was a beach. I just found that out last summer vacation when mom accidentally said it.

"Hey, A!" They said prolonging the letter A.

"Hey jocks." I greeted back.

"Take a seat and have your breakfast already young lady." Mom told me. "It's not right to keep them waiting."

"Mom, they're enjoying the food." I smirked while I'm talking my seat and getting a food. "Right guys?"

"Hmm.. Yes Mrs. Parker, it's delicious!" Alex said while his mouth is full.

"Yeah!" The others agreed in unison. Seems like they are enjoying their breakfast.

Rex drove us to school once we finished our breakfast, Gene had texted me that she's already at school while Jenny is on her way. Rex drove to the parking area and parked his new black hummer beside a Blue Lexus LFA car. Who the hell owns this freaking car?  I saw Rex smirked and the other guys almost stared in awe with the extremely expensive sports car.

"Wow. Who owns that?" Arthur exclaimed. Just like the car owner heard what Arthur asks us, the car door slowly opens. Rex also opened his door and went out, soon everyone followed him, the jocks eager to see who the owner of the posh car is, so they went on the side beside the that car while I went out on the other side since I sat in the front seat beside Rex.

I heard laughter and awe as I walked towards the other side when I saw who they are talking with. It's Luke. I was stunned, yes, but I immediately made myself recover from it and approached them. Forget him.

Jeremy and Arthur are talking with Luke in between their laughter when I noticed that Rex is walking away form us towards the school main entrance and Alex is talking with someone in his phone. I chose to follow Rex of course. "Hey jocks! Gotta go now." I called, getting the attention of the three and Luke. 

"See ya later, A!" Arthur and Jeremy said, Alex just waived me goodbye and Luke just looked at me.

I run towards Rex and poked his back as I can't poke his head as much as I want to since he's tall. "Hey, wait!" I called.

He looked back at me and smirked, "Then walk faster." He said.

"Jerk." I muttered.

"Heard that." He said without looking at me and we just continue walking to reach our classroom.

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