Chapter 23: Not the Same

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"In a world where vows are worthless.Where making a pledge means nothing. Where promises are made to be broken, it would be nice to see words come back into power." -Chuck Palahniuk, Lullaby


This is it!

Can I do this? Am I really going to meet him again? After 7 years, I'm going to see him. Am I really going to see him after I open this door? Would he be here? Is this true? Is this for real?

"Ready?" Gene's voice is full of concern.

I just nodded, my heart is beating so fast. Gene and I were late, the party started at 06:00 in the evening and we arrived at 07:30PM. This is Gene's idea, 'to make sure that Luke will be here' as per her.

Gene pressed the doorbell and the front door opened immediately, showing Jordie. "Hey! Come in! The gate's open." Jordie said.

Gene opened the gate and we walked towards her, "Is her here?" Gene half whispered to Jordie.

"Yes, he's been here before 6 in the evening." Jordie eyed me. "And you know what? The mature look made him look even hotter." She winked.

"Is there a wife or girlfriend or anyone?" Gene asked her again like an FBI.

"No he's alone." Jordie paused. "Let's go inside?"

We followed Jordie inside the house, it was full of our batchmates. All are busy chatting and laughing while having their drinks, just like the old times. And there I saw Luke talking with his highschool buddies at the balcony, Jordie and Rachelle were right he really looked hotter and more handsome now. Looking at him on how he smile and talk with them animatedly made me smile. I really missed him. I want run to him and hug him right this very moment but it feels like my feet are stuck on the floor.

"Come on." Jordie suddenly hold my wrist and lead me to the balcony, where Luke is. Gene immediately followed us. "Hey guys!" Jordie greeted them.

My heart felt like it skipped a beat from the moment Luke stopped talking and looked at me. He seemed not surprised to see and gave me a casual smile.

"A! How are you?" Vince stood up and bumped his fist with mine.

I gave him a timid smile. "I'm fine Vince, how you doing?"

"I'm good. Have a seat." Then he gave me his seat which is in front of Luke.

"Thanks." I muttered. Gene also took a seat beside me while Jordie sat on the arm rest of Brent's seat.

The guys' conversation continued though now it included us. They smiled, they laughed, they talked animatedly with each other and reminisced our highschool years. Everyone are enjoying except me. Not that I was excluded in the conversation but Luke is treating me casually like the way he treats them. Does he forgot that he made a promise that he'll come back for me? Is it all in past now? Am I forgotten?

"I'll go get something to eat." I told Jordie as I stood up from my seat and leave. Gene followed me.

"This is not the kitchen nor the dining area." Gene commented when I opened the back door.

I sighed as I walked outside. "I shouldn't have hold on, right Gene?" I choked. The tears I was trying to hold earlier are more likely to fall. "Hold on to a promise that a teenager made." I continued while looking up the stars.

"You tried to forget him, A." She sighed. "It's just that, noone is enough to make you forget him." She paused. "You tried, I know you did."

"Did you saw how casual he looked at me?" I smiled sadly. "That's what I was afraid, 7 years ago when he said his goodbye. I never knew I will be right."

"A, you know yourself that you shouldn't have waited for 7 years. He just vanished, yes, he bid goodbye to you but there was no communication between the two of you." Gene said.

"I know it doesn't makes sense, to wait for someone for so long just because I am holding on to his promise that he will come back to me. He might have even forgot about that, but still..." I choked as I am trying not cry. "Here I am, looking forward to see him after 7 long years, expecting him to tell me that he's coming back for me." I told her as tears flowed from my eyes. "Adam was right, I never loved anyone but Luke. It was always been Luke for me even if I have exactly no idea what I am for him now. I was just his past, his highschool sweetheart."  

Gene hugged me by my side. "Maybe it's time to let him go?" She sighed. "Maybe this is the time when you have to stop waiting because he's not coming back, A. He's not here for you." She hugged me even tighter as if she wants me to help me ease the pain. "Maybe you were just in love with the memories, you don't' even know him now. A lot changed, with you and with him." She said.

"You know h-how much I-I love him." My voice broke. I can't help it, I have to cry this out.

Gene looked at me with pity in her eyes. "Oh, Amethyst." She said as she gave a hug again.

I cried my heart out, and I am pretty sure that I look like a mess now. "I will get a glass of water inside." She said then left me alone in the backyard.

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