Chapter 12: Let It Go

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"Hurt shouldn't pile up like this inside of someone. No one should suffocate beneath pain on top of pain. You should have time to breathe, time to scream it out until it doesn't exist anymore." -Sharde Richardson, Watched


As much as I hate to attend Harlington Twins' party, well, I am here. It's almost an open party since friends of friends can be brought so basically, I am indeed in a crowded hell.

"Bottles of liquor are the only thing that I saw ever since we got here." I told Jenny and Gene loudly since the pounding of music is really loud. We keep on walking in the middle of the crowd to look for anyone we knew, surely the students of Chen's are here but we haven't spotted anyone in our class."Where are the food?!" I almost whined.

Jenny smirked, "At the kitchen, A. But let's find our classmates first." 

"I haven't seen Wallace yet." Gene said.

"Damn, can you two stop complaining for a while and let's-" 

"A! I can't believe you showed up!" Jenny was cut off when one of the jocks, Alex Harper, called me. Finally! Someone who can lead us to kitchen!

"Alex! Where are the others?" Jenny asked.

"Come on!" Alex lead us the way to the backyard where the pool is. Harlington twins' house is really huge and grand and wow. I saw the jocks and the others near the pool area, some are making out, some are drinking and partying and some are playing some games like beer pong and truth or dare.

I suddenly grabbed Alex's wrist and that made him off guard, "Hey Alex." I asked in a serious tone.

"Y-yeah?" He asked, puzzled.

"Bring me to the kitchen! I'm so damn hungry!" I cried.

He looked at me like he can't believe what I just said and then he started laughing. 

"Nothing's funny." I huffed.

"I will, but let's go there first." Then he scratched the back of his head like he's debating within himself if he's going to tell me something or not. "You know..." Finally decided that he's going to tell it to me. "We made a bet whether you'll go this party or not." He said sheepishly.

"Wow. You just made me feel like I'm like those booby girls that you're betting if who among you will get her first." I stated matter of fact. 

He held his two hands up a in the air as if he surrendered. "Hey! It's not like that, A!" He defended.

I laughed at his expression. I know it's not like that and they don't see me that way, the jocks in our class are maybe jerks and assholes but they are all good friends, I don't know why and how they saw in me that they're so much into me, like I'm their sister. Maybe that's because of Rex's influence, Rex is like a leader for them, someone like their head or something. Not that I'm saying that they are brainless, one of the requirements in Chen's is you have to be smart or at least an average to continue studying there or you'll be kicked out, no matter how powerful or rich your parents are. 

"I'm just messing with you, Alex." I continued laughing. "Come on, let's get your money then lead me to the kitchen." I look around for Gene and Jenny but they are already with our friends.

Rex instantly smiled the moment he saw us approaching them, "I bet Rex bet that I'll come here?" I told Alex, he nodded and smiled at me so I take that as a yes.

"So, who made a bet for me?" I said as soon as we reached them. The look on the jocks' faces are really funny, it's like their eyes instantly widen and their mouths are all in O shape. I even had to bit my bottom lip to refrain from smiling at their reactions.

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