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"There's nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be..." - John Lennon   


3 years later.

"I should be charging you big time for my talent fee actually." I told Gene while choosing a jewelry that I will wear in her wedding next week.

Gene looked at me with furrowed eyebrows. "You do not have a gift for me anyway."

I just laughed at her reaction. That's what she thought, she didn't know that I was also the one who designed the interior of their house, which is a surprise of Michael (her fiance or husband-to-be) for her and my gift is their entertainment set! She didn't know about it until now though, heck she didn't even know that they already have a house. "Hey, me planning on your wedding is my expensive gift for both of you." I told her proudly. "Don't tell me, you don't know my rate for every events that I organize?" I asked her with a raised eyebrow.

"Still, you don't have a gift." She pouted and walked away from me. I just smirked at her childish reaction. She's been there through my ups and downs, how could I not give her something special in her wedding day? She's so silly.

We went out of the store as soon as I purchased a jewelry that fits my liking. Gene almost run to get inside the ice cream parlor to buy some for us. Recently, it's been her favorite thing in the world and I am guessing that my bestfriend is probably pregnant. I was about to follow her when I suddenyl bumped into something or someone... little.

"Oh I'm sorry!" I apologized as the ice cream of the little girl that I bumped with fell.  I immediately kneel down to wipe some ice cream on her cute red dress. "I'm so sorry." I apologized again.

"I think I've seen you somewhere." The girl around seven year old said with a curious gaze filled her eyes.

I just smiled at her. "Who are you with?" I asked her.

"I was with my dad and aunt earlier but I think I got lost." She grinned and scratch her nape.

"Oh! Let's go to the help desk to page your father." I told the girl sincerely. I got up and hold her wrist but she stopped me. "Yes?"

"My dad told me not to talk with strangers." She said while looking at me. "What's your name?" Then she grinned.

I smiled at her question. I, myself even forgot to ask this cute girl's name. "I'm Amethyst. And you are?" I asked her back.

"I'm Em-"

"Emmie!" A familiar deep voice said at my back.

I looked at the girl's face in front of me and her eyes looked like it suddenly lit up and her smile widened at the person behind me. Emmie. "Dad!" She exclaimed as she run towards the person at my back. I don't want to look back, I want to run away but it feels like I am frozen from where I am standing at.

"Daddy! I think I just met the lady in your room!" Emmie exclaimed as I heard their footsteps getting closer to me. "Daddy, she's Amethyst right? The picture in your room?" The little girl asked her Dad as they reached me.

I turned to look at them and there he is, after the day when we bid goodbye, he's here in front of me. With his daughter.

"Amethyst." He seemed like he was out of breath when he said my name. "Hi." Then he gave me that bright smile.

"Hello, Luke." I smiled back at him.

"You don't find love, it finds you. It's got a little bit to do with destiny, fate and what's written in the stars. - Anais Nin

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