Chapter 16: Heart Over Matter

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"I've never minded it," he went on. "Being lost, that is. I had always thought one could not truly be lost if one knew one's own heart. But I fear I may be lost without knowing yours." - Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Prince


Lying on my bed alone and watching the hand of my wall clock goes on. It's already 2:52 in the morning and I still can't sleep. It seems like I've spent my whole vacation thinking about Luke, making myself ready when I meet him, to look gorgeous when he see me.

Why did we just let it go, Luke?

I sighed. Does he know that we're going to meet 6 days from now? Is he getting ready as well?

Do we... Is there a chance for us to be together?


I want you back.

"Fuck that." I muttered when I remember what Luke told me few nights ago.

Gene just looked at me like I'm some crazy ass who talks to herself. What do I even expect to look like. I just talked with myself, a lot of times, today. "What happened with Luke?" She finally asked, I know that she's dying to ask me that question this whole day.

"What?" I snapped at her. "Our Management teacher is one hell of a fudgy woman." I told her. I went to faculty office this morning and tried to talk with Ms. Baker to switch partners with Keith, but as I expected she declined.

"I'm asking about Luke though."

I raised an eyebrow at her. Can't she get it? I don't want to discuss it.

"Come on, I wanna hear your side of the story too." Jordine suddenly joined our conversation.

"My side of the story? What do you mean?" I wondered.

Jordine became uneasy then she scratch her nape, "Well, I've only heard from some people that you and Luke used to be something in Junior. I was just wondering what happened?" And she bit her lower lip.

"And who are these some people?" I asked.

And she just grinned. Just that, no answer.

"We used to be close friends before." Really? Just friends? My conscience said.

"Friends?" Gene smirked.

"Shut up." I snapped at her then turned my attention to Jordie, "and then we drifted apart." I smiled at her. "That's what happened."

Jordie furrowed her eyebrows, "This is the version of the story that I heard..." She looked at me and paused. "They said, you used to be together like a couple or something but Luke replaced you with Rain."

"That's the real version you got there!" Gene almost exclaimed, looking very entertained.

I just rolled my eyes on her reaction. "Yeah that's kind true." I told Jordie.

"But..." She added, her eyebrows are still furrowed. "I can't see any chemistry with Luke and Rain. Plus Luke is always with Keith,Brent and Vince, while Rain is always with the Student Body."

"Well, I don't know." I told her.

"They are not even a thing when we were in freshman and sophomore years." She said continuously. "And Luke, he's into you. Can't you see the way he looks at you? Damn, I wish B-- the guy I like looks at me that way." She said dreamily.

"The guy you like?" I asked, trying to divert the topic.

"Yeah." She said. "Anyway, see you later. I'll gather information about Luke. I'm in the team Luke so, ciao!" She winked at me and left.

"Team Luke, huh?" Gene smirked. "Anyway, I think someone wants to talk to you." Gene said as she looked at my back.

I don't have to turn around to see who's she's talking about since the glint in her eyes tells it all.

"Amethyst." The husky voice that I used to love to hear said.

I rolled my eyes and let Gene see that I am irritated. But they don't know how much my heart beats faster and faster knowing that Luke is behind me. Am I really this in love with this guy? "Don't worry about our Management project, I got it."

Gene suddenly stand up, "I think I left something in our classroom." Then Gene looked at me, "See you tomorrow." She said then walked away. She mouthed 'Call me' before she run.

I also get up still not looking at him. "I also have to go." I was about to walk when he stopped me by grabbing my wrist. I feel like I was electrified the moment when he touched my wrist, I don't know if he felt it too but he didn't showed any signs of letting me go.

"Amethyst, let me explain why I left you. Please?" He begged, his eyes looks like it's pleading.

I raised my eyebrow at him, "To get your conscience clear?" I smirked. "Sure." I told him then looked up at our building. "Rooftop." Then I forced his hand to let my wrist go and walked towards our building.

My heart is beating so loud, I don't know if Luke can hear it or not. Most of the students had gone home so I'm sure that noone will come here at the rooftop to eavesdrop or something. I am walking to go at the railings but Luke stopped me...

"What-" I was cut off when he turned me around and suddenly hugged me.

"I'm sorry." He whispered to my ear sincerely. "I know I've hurt you. I'm sorry. I was a coward, I was so stupid. I'm sorry, Amethyst."

Hearing those words from him made the walls of my heart melt for him. I know I've already forgiven him, I was just afraid that he'll leave me again, leave me hanging.

"Amethyst, I'm sorry." He apologized again.

And I hugged him back. Just like how a block of an ice melts under the sun, my anger, my pain, my fear melts away. Just because of his hug, just because of how he apologize, just because of how he let me feel that he's going to stay with me this time. "Stop apologizing, Luke." I chuckled. "You're forgiven. Just, don't leave me again this time." I looked at him and smiled. "Okay?"

He nodded like a little boy then kissed my head. "No, I won't leave again Amethyst." Then he cupped my face and looked straight into my eyes. "I-"

"I think I left it here." Luke was cut off when we heard a voice of a girl coming at the rooftop.

Luke and I looked at the door's direction and saw two girls looking for something.

"I'll take you home." Luke told me as he grabbed my hand and we walk down the staircase until we reach the parking lot.

Luke's back. He promised he won't leave me again. I thought while looking at him. I love him, I really do.

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