Chapter 7: Sunflower

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"Keep you face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow. It's what sunflowers do." - Helen Keller


I am at the flower shop now accompanying the very excited Jordie. I was sitting at the corner with a magazine on my hand when I heard Jordie laughed with the flower shop lady.

"A, what do you think Khael would like?" Showing me the options for the type of flowers and it's arrangements.

"A toy car or a robot." I told her with a poker face then I look back at the magazine I'm reading. "Sunflower is nice, I love it actually." I added.

"You think so?" She asked. "Okay, it'll be a combination of sunflower, this, this and this one." I heard her instructed the lady. "I'll pick it up on the 14th of September at around... What time does your shop opens anyway?" She asked.

"We're open at 08:30AM ma'am."

"Okay, I'll pick it up at 09:00AM on the 14th." She paused. "How much is the total bill?"

Then I shut them out of my mind and focus on what I am reading which are about flowers and gardening, what else?


"I can see that you're okay now." Rex grinned. "Is it because of the battle of the bands? I'm wounded," Then he hold his chest as if he was hurt. "You didn't watched the final match of the basketball game, your seat mate was playing there!" He pouted. "And you are here, going to watch the battle tonight." Too much of a drama for a guy like Rex who's known to be oozing with so much confidence.

"Geez, stop whining there, Rex." I paused. "I was sick."

I was at the school garden alone waiting for Gene and Jenny, who are still helping for the last day of our class's coffee shop. Rex apparently saw me here alone and approached me, no, bugging me is the right term.

"You should have watched us, so you can be well then." He winked. "I saw you ran away that day, A." His face became serious. "I treat you like a sister actually, that's if you haven't noticed." He paused. "You shouldn't have ran, you should have covered it up and faced the situation and... Luke." I looked down, feeling guilty on how I reacted. Why does he have to say all this?

"And your point is?" I asked impatiently.

"My point is, you're a girl and he's a guy. It shows that you like him and he might like you too. Let him be the one who will pursue you, not the other way around." Then he tapped my head like I'm a puppy. "I don't want my sister chase some guys even if I know that Luke is a good one. Who knows, he might turned out to be like me or even worst?" Then he laughed.

Maybe he realized that he won't get any reaction or feed back from me so he cleared his throat. "I've made a point right?" He grinned.

"Yeah, a big one." I smiled at him. "Thank you, Rex. For treating me like a sister and for making me realized that, big time."

He stood up, "I better get going. The program will start in a while it's almost 06:00PM. Let's go at the hall?"

"I have to wait for Gene and Jenny." I declined.

He reached for my hand and pulled it to make me stand. "Come on, just save some seats for them." He finally convinced me and we walked towards the hall together. I just left a text message to Gene and Jenny to meet me at the hall and I'm going to save their seats.

The battle of the bands of the high school level started at 07:00PM. Our class occupies the seat at the middle left part of the hall. The first to perform are the 2nd year students, next are the 4th year, the 1st year and last are the 3rd year high school students. I haven't seen Luke since I arrived at school, probably he's busy practicing with the rest of the band.

"Hey I saw Luke earlier and he asked me if you're around." Gene told me as she sat on her seat with a junk food on her right hand.

"Where did you saw him?" I asked.

"Outside when he parked his car." She said.

"Let's bring it on to the 4th year students!" The MC said after the awarding of the best cheer dancing. We just got the 3rd place, 4th year got the 1st and 2nd year the 2nd. The students started cheering especially the 4th year class.

My phone suddenly vibrated and I saw that I have a message from Luke."I'll drop you home, okay?"

"Okay, thanks. Good luck!" I replied.

After the 4th year class performed the teacher calls the representative of each class for the awards. The best and most successful booth was awarded to us. 3rd year basketball team was the 1st place as well as Jenny in the taekwondo event for the females and Ralph for the males, Janice was the 2nd place for the marathon and Keith was the first place for the chess game, our class also won the first place in the cooking contest.

After awarding and the performance of 1st year students, finally it's Luke's band turn! It's just like the first time when I saw Luke, my heartbeats so fast and damn, he's really really gorgeous! But wait, he's carrying a guitar not the drum sticks? "He's not the drummer?" Trying to seek answer from the people beside me which are Rex and Gene, Gene just shuddered and Rex grinned at me. "Rex?" I asked him.

"Just watch, you're disturbing me." Rex said and I rolled my eyes. The hall eroded with cheers which are not just from 3rd year but from the other levels as well. Mostly girls, who are cheering for Luke.  Again, I rolled my eyes.

The MC approached the band and gave them a short interview before letting them perform. "Luke, I can see that you're doing the lead guitarist now, got a little tired of the drums, pretty boy?" He joked.

Luke grinned at him and said, "I actually didn't know how to play guitar before but someone had inspired me to make me learn how to play it. So, my band mates gave me a chance to do the lead for this event." He said while his eyes seem like it's looking for someone in the crowd.

"And who are you looking for in the crowd Luke?" The MC asked with that intriguing question. "Is it that someone?" Emphasizing the word someone. It feels like my heart is breaking knowing that he's talking about that girl he was talking with at the back stage last time.

"I'm just looking for my classmates over there." He pointed us, our classmates cheered.

The MC interviewed the rest of the group and ask this one last weird question. "Since this is your first time to be the lead, answer this question Luke." He changed his voice into a very serious tone. "What's you favorite flower?"

Luke's eyes seemed like it lit up and said, "Sunflower." Then he looked at me and smiled. I know he's looking at me this time.

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