Chapter 3: It Started with a Crush

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"My heart stops when you look at me." -Anonymous


"Do you like something to drink?" Someone asked me while I am busy typing something in my laptop, work is really stressing me up even if I'm on my vacation leave. I look up to see who it was and it is him, Luke, smiling at me.

I feel like my throat suddenly went dry, my heart beat skipped a beat and those butterflies in someones stomach? It's not real! I can feel dragons chasing each other inside my stomach! I can't speak because I supposed I'm surprised, what else would be the reason anyway? Why here at the coffee shop? Why when I wasn't ready and I look like a nerd with my hair in a messy bun and for goodness sake, I am wearing my big eye glasses. "L-Luke?" I stuttered, my eyes are wide.

"Yeah, Amethyst. How are you?" He pulled one of the seat across me, "Mind if I join you?" He asked.

I feel like I'm melting. That smile, those beautiful eyes... How would I forget those. "Yeah, sure." At least I managed to compose some words.

He suddenly stared at me and hold the back of my hand on the table. "Amethyst, I want you..."


"I want you to wake up."

I suddenly opened my eyes and only to see a pitch black surrounding. I was in my room, lying on my bed and definitely not stressing myself out on my vacation leave. Even in my dreams Luke? How pathetic.


It's been a month now since I transferred here at Chen's International School. And I still have this huge crush for Luke. He's a quiet guy in the middle of our classroom. Actually, he's only quiet to those who aren't close to him but with his friends, he's all that smile and I think he's joking around them. I also learned from Jenny that he is a part of a prominent family in our province. A grandson of a Congressman and his parents, both of them are business tycoons in the hospitality and restaurant industry. His parents are also starting to venture other industries such as retails and etc. Absolutely, out of my league. He's friends with Keith Young and Vincent Bryant, also one of the rich kids in Chen's. Keith is the most quiet while Vince is sort of sociable with everyone.

"I can see that you have a crush with Luke." Genevieve Anderson, one of my close friends aside from Jenny whispered to me. She's this kind of chubby, cute and shy girl that I like very much. She's also a transfer student like me.

"What?" I asked.

She smirked at me. "I can see how you look at him." She smiled this time. "Don't worry, you secret is safe with me."

"Am I that obvious?" I pouted. The fact that everyone can see how I adore Luke scares me. I haven't even talked with him once.

She looked at me, "No, I just noticed." She paused. "You're my friend, so I know." She continued writing, copying my homework actually. "He's nice, you know."

"Yes, I know that. I can see that." I grinned at her. "And you better copy faster, 15 minutes left before our History class." I reminded her.

"Yeah, yeah. And you have to go back to your seat beside Rex and Jeremy." She smirked.

Yes, our adviser chose our seat in our first day of school. He said that every quarter, we'll going to change seats. I hope I'll seat beside Gene or Jenny on the next quarter, or if I'm lucky enough, I'll seat beside Luke.

"Rex is full of confidence, I don't like him." She muttered. Rex Gandolf, our basketball team's ace player. He has this leader aura and he's good looking I may say. Girls like him. Of course he's a jock, a famous one and he's loaded, his parents are actually. "Jeremy, I think is okay though. He's nice, but sometimes a bully." She added. Jeremy St. Claire, also a basketball team member, Rex's close friend I may say. And yes, he's nice. They are both nice to me actually, but I still don't like that seat where I am designated for the 1st quarter. I don't get what they talk about plus I am surrounded by guys, being the only girl in the last left row. There are also two more guys in front of us, Brent Fairmont and Yves Maine, they're both transfer students like me. Yves is more like the bad boy while Brent, he looks so lame. But all in all, the guys around me in the last row are nice.

The bell rang. The students not sitting in their proper seats scrambled towards their seats. I snatched my notebook from Gene, "I hope you're done." I said then walked towards my seat. I heard her said thanks.

Our history teacher, Mr. Leonard Cane walked in and instructed us to count from 1 to 19. It's the fate or whatever it may be, but I got the same number as Luke's. I guess, number 13 isn't that unlucky at all.

"Mr. Cane!" Rex held his one arm up to get the attention of our teacher.

Mr. Cane looked up, "Yes, Rex?"

He held up my hand to show it to Mr. Cane, of course I am surprised! "A and I want to be partners." He said with confidence.

"Wait, what?" I almost exclaimed. I didn't mean to be rude but I want to be partnered with Luke!

"From the looks of it, Amethyst is surprised as I am Rex. So, no." He said. "Okay now, seat beside your partner." He told the class.

Rex pouted at me. "Hey A, you should have said yes and hid your surprise look." He told me.

"Well, you surprised me Rex. What will you expect?" I asked while I raised one of my eyebrows at him.

"I don't wanna be partnered with a freak." He pouted. He's talking about Seline Taylor, the class freak. She's this girl that the whole class either treat as invisible or pick on to. She's kind of weird since I sometimes catch her talk with herself and she's sending love letters to her crushes. She also do not smell that good, most of the time.

I tapped Rex shoulder as I stood up, trying to mask the nervousness that I'm feeling. "Good luck." I grinned at him.

I settled down on the seat beside Luke with my book, notebook and pen. "Hi Luke." I greeted him even if I feel like I'm melting just by sitting near him.

"Hello Amethyst." He smiled. Oh that smile that I always love to look at.

"You can call me A." I smiled at him, trying hard to cover up my nervousness.

"Amethyst is a beautiful name." He said. "I prefer that." He added and he smiled at me.

Mr. Cane cleared his throat to get all of our attention, "So, that seat will be your permanent seat in the whole History class understand?" I heard most of the jocks groaned not wanting the people partnered with them. "So now, let's begin the lesson so that we can discussed your first project with your partners."

"Why do you hate me so much, Mr. Cane?" Rex whined and the whole class just laughed at his misery.

"Thanks for choosing me over Rex." He suddenly told me.

"What?" Shocked from what I heard of course. I will choose you over anyone actually.

Realizing what he said, he looked at me awkwardly, "I-I mean, if you chose to be partnered with Rex, I would be partnered with Seline. I don't want to be partnered with her, she's... weird." He said.

Oh it's because of Seline. I thought he really wants me to be his partner. Who am I kidding here anyway.

"I want to be your partner." He said.

"What?" I asked confused. Then realization hit me, "Did I just said it out loud?" My eyes widen in surprise.

"Yeah." He said shyly. And then he focused on Mr. Cane discussing about world war II.

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