Chapter 18: Knowing Luke

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"As he read, I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once." - John Green, The Fault In Our Stars


3 days to go.

"Brent told me that he was in some remote place in Thailand for the last two years as a volunteer from UN." Jordie said while we are having lunch in our favorite pizza house. We are also with Jenny and Gene.

"What to expect with Luke, anyway." Jenny said. "It's not that surprising." She added while she took a bite of her pizza.

"That's why some girls out there can't moved on, cuz Luke is such a perfect one." Gene said while looking at me. "Right, A?" Then she winked. Seriously?

I just rolled my eyes at her and continue eating my pizza.

"Anyway, do you have any news about him or something more?" Gene emphasized the word then looked at my direction. 

"As per Brent, Luke is currently taking medicine." She said as she's trying hard to remember is there is anything else. "I'm sorry, A. That's all I got from Brent."

"I'm not the one who's asking!" I said defensively.

"Like we are the one who wants to know about Luke here." Gene snorted then rolled her eyes at me.

"No girlfriend? Or wife or anything?" Jenny asked.

Jordie shook her head. "Nah, I don't know." She answered sadly. "Luke communicated with noone since we graduated in highschool."


"I can't believe that I'm joining an event like this." Luke whined while he's carrying our bag. We're going to camp with the Junior year somewhere in the mountain and he hated the idea from the moment our adviser told us about the team building camp. It's not really necessary to attend but since I'm very enthusiastic and very excited about it then Luke joined even if he whined about it since last week and tried to convince me not to go. "I can't even drive my own car." He muttered.

"Quit whining there, rich kid." I teased.

"Hey! Both of us will be more comfortable if I drive my car to go to that God-knows-where place." Then he mumbled something I didn't understand. Well, that's Luke for you, everyone thinks that he's this shy guy but as months passed by since we got together, I found out that he being snob is always mistaken as him being shy. He's cooler, he's more fun, he's confident in his own way and gosh, I really love this guy.

I turned around to face him then hold his cheeks using both of my hands. I tiptoed since he's taller than me as I kissed the tip of his nose. "Now, would you just shut up and let's go to the bus?" I whispered.

My action caught him off guard and he just stared at me for a moment as if trying to internalize what I just did. He didn't said anything and just nodded.

"Good." I smiled at him. "Let's go."

Our finals ended last week and for the remaining weeks before our graduation will be just fun. This week is our team building camp with the Junior, graduation ball next week and our graduation day next next week. 

"I bet it'll be more fun if we pushed through that outing with Keith and Vince." Luke said as we took our seat inside the bus.

"But Vince is more ecstatic with this camping." I told him as I looked at Vince direction as he talked with some girls in junior. "Such a Casanova." I murmured.

"Yes he is." Luke chuckled. "Come here and make me feel better instead." He pouted and put his arm around my shoulder to hug me by my side. I am sitting near the window while he's seating near the aisle.

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