Chapter 14: It Cannot Be

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"Worst feeling in the world, how you try to be happy and try your best to heal from the pain and something from the past comes back and makes you re-think everything and by the time you re-think, they don't want you anymore. Again." -Unknown


I was busy replying my emails regarding work while I am sitting in a coffee shop in the town proper.

"You okay?" A deep husky voice asked me.

I look up to see who approached me and saw Rex. "Yeah, just replying emails." I smiled at him.

He took the seat beside me and gave a large hot cafe americano while he's zipping his iced chocolate drink. "Thanks." I muttered. "Still not a fan of coffee, Rex?" I smirked while my attention is still in my laptop.

"Yeah, it's bitter. I don't even know how you like it." He snorted.

He let me reply to all my emails first when he cleared his throat to get my attention, "7 days to go, A. Are you ready?" He asked while staring at me. His question caught me off guard. If there's someone who knows me inside out besides my bestfriends, it is Rex.

"As much as I used to deny it, sadly, I've been waiting for this for 7 years, Rex." I paused. "I just want to see him again."


3 days had passed and we haven't even done a single thing to start our business proposal. I don't want to be around him. But for the whole day today, Luke Garnett, has been bugging me. "Amethyst, I think we should start our project now or we will cram for it or even fail." He said as he approached me on my seat.

"Why'd you even bother?" I asked. "Just do your business proposal alone and I'll do mine. Easy." I snorted.

I heard him sighed, "You know that wouldn't work and Ms. Baker will fail us both."

"I don't care."

"You care. We both do." He said. "Just give me an hour or two of your time after class, let's start it at the coffee shop in the town."

"No. Do your own proposal." I said as stubborn as I am. I do care about my grade, he knows how much I studied hard to get it, but I hardly care about it anymore, I only want to be away from him.

He didn't answered me. I saw him picked something on the floor and started to walk to the door. "Amethyst?" He said, he's far now.

"Yeah?" I answered without even looking at him.

"I think you have to follow me now since I already got your stuffs?" I looked at him instantly when he said that. True to his words, he's really carrying my bag where all my stuffs are.

"Give it to me now!" I almost screamed. Blood going into my head. I don't even know why I am feeling this angry. Is it because he get my bag without permission or because he stole my heart away from me?

He just smirked and leave our room. I know where he's going through, in the parking lot where his posh car is. I immediately run after him.

I reached the parking lot and he's nowhere to be found. "His car is here though." I muttered to myself. I walked towards his car and the passenger seat's window suddenly opened and I saw him inside his car, smiling at me, just like how he used to before.

"Give me back my bag!" I demanded.

"Not until you get inside the car and come with me at the Books and Coffee Town." He said.

"No. I won't." I said stubbornly.

"Alright, I'll go alone then." Then he started his car and drive it slowly away from where it's parked.

"Luke!" I screamed. Even some students in the parking area looked at our direction.

He stopped the car and looked at me. "Yeah? Changed your mind?" He smirked.

"Fine!" I huffed, opened the car door and get inside.

He drove the car in silence when I broke it.

"Where's my bag?" I demanded.

"Inside the compartment at the back." He smiled at me. "I'll give it back to you later when I drop you home."

"There's no need to drop me home." I muttered. "Nothing even existed between us. You are supposed to forget where I live, right?" I blurted out.

He didn't looked surprise, he actually seemed to expect it though his eyes were filled with sadness and regret. I on the other hand, didn't expected I will even say that. I am supposed to forget it, not bring it back.

He muttered something I didn't understand and just kept quiet in our entire drive to the coffee shop.

It's going to be a long night.

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