Chapter 17: To Fix Something Broken

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"The explanation requiring the fewest assumptions is most likely to be correct." - William of Ockham 


"Thank you for giving me another chance, Amethyst." Luke said as we pull off the park.

We just stayed inside his car, he parked at the side of the park and we sit inside. "It's because of the politics." Luke started as he shift on his seat a little to look at me.

"Politics?" I wondered. 

"Yeah, my grandfather found out that I have been 'occupied' by some girl last year." He said as he quoted and unquoted by his fingers the occupied word. "He made a background check about you," Then he looked away from me. "and he didn't liked it." He almost whispered.

I suddenly smiled, "Of course he won't like me, he's a congressman. It's natural that he wants the best for his grandson." I understand the way his grandfather reacted. I am nobody compared to their clan.

"It's not that." He said that made me puzzled. "He was protecting you that's why he asked me to keep distance for a while since the election last year was coming." He paused.

"What? What do you mean?" I asked. "Protect me? He doesn't even know me."

"Politicians, most of them, play dirty. So, I decided to stick up with Rain to keep you away from me." He paused. "I'm sorry."

I don't know what to think. I don't even know if I can believe it, why will his grandfather would want to protect me as well? As I've said, I'm just nobody. I'll understand if Cong. Garnett won't like someone like me for his grandson but keep Luke away from me to protect me? "You said he made a background check and he didn't like me?"

"Not you. It." He sighed. "Your grandfather and grandpa used to be good friends before. Your grandfather died protecting him. And you know what's the reason? My grandpa is running for mayor that time."

"They never told me." I whispered talking about my mom and grandma. "Why didn't you just told me about that before?"

"Because I was stupid and I was scared that I might lose you if I didn't keep you away from me." He paused. "I didn't realized that keeping you away from me, makes me lose you as well." I was stunned on what he just told me, not about the reason of my grandfather's death but because of how he's afraid of losing me.

"You know," He said while his eyes are closed. "I was so jealous with you and Rex." Then he opened his eyes and looked at me. "I wanted to hold you before and keep you away from Rex but I can't, I was the one who you should avoid." He paused. "But it breaks me to see you with another guy, Amethyst."

"Rex and I aren't together." I told him. "He's like a brother to me." I assured him.

He smirked, "He likes you."


"He does."

"No." I said sternly.

"I do like you too, Amethyst. A lot." He said as he look straight to my eyes. "Please," Then he hold both of my hands. "Choose me."

I smiled at him, "I don't have to choose, you're the only one I want." Then I instantly hugged him. My heart feels like it's going to explode because of happiness. My Luke is back and everything will even be better than before. "I like you too." I whispered.


I opened my eyes and saw nothing but my glow in the dark wall clock. "It's 3:44AM." I muttered.

It's been a long time since I dream of it again, that day when Luke explained why he suddenly kept me away from him. I was so happy that time. He came back to me and confessed what he felt. Is it going to be the same this time. Will he come back to me after that 7 years of separation?

What if he already has a girlfriend? Or worse, a wife? Or even worst, a wife and children? My conscience butt in.

"7 years had passed, Amethyst. Why do you still fucking wait?" I asked myself.

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