Class Suspended

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A/N : Hi guys. I've been very busy lately doing senior stuff but of course I won't forget you guys. Sorry for a bit of a cliffhanger back then. Anyways, here's the update.

Janssen's POV

Stormy days came making all of us lazy and all to do what we have to do. That's why I keep an alarm to wake me up because things have been making me tired lately. I was shocked when I woke up late. Let's say 7 in the morning.. which caused me to panic like crazy

" Dad! Wait I'm late.." I started panicking like crazy

" Calm down. Your classes are suspended" My dad told me

" Oh.. Really?" I said as I sort of pouted all of a sudden

" Yeah.. Get back to sleep.. I know you wanted to catch some sleep. You've been sleeping so late for the past few days." Dad told me

I decided to go back to bed. I did not know what to do. I looked at my phone. Dad turned off my alarm so I won't wake up early. So yeah.. WHAT AM I GONNA DO! I get my phone and see my messages. Laurena texted me

" Sleep some more. Classes are suspended." That's what she texted me

" Oh.." I just uttered reading her text

I decided to get up from bed and have breakfast with dad

" Hmm.. What's the smile?" Dad asked me

" COZ THERE'S NOT CLASSES ! Party party!" I just uttered all of a sudden like crazy

" You've been busy lately huh.." Dad asked me

" Yes.." I just answered

" At least you'll have some rest first." Dad told me

So I did some chores then I don't know why. I decided to text Laurena. Since she texted me first

" Yow!" I texted first

" Morning. : ( " She replied

" Hmm.. Why the sad face?" I asked her

" I feel sssooooooo lazzzzy." She replied in an instant

" There's no classes. What is there to be lazy about?" I asked her

" Recording.." She told me

" RECORDING????" I asked her

" Yeah.. It's just a single anyway.." She replied

" Take care then.." I texted her

" DON'T END THE CONVO! I need someone to talk to.." She replied all of a sudden

" Fine fine.." I said

I was actually scanning my social media accounts while she was texting me. I did not know she was also uncomfortable at times. In fact, most of us knew that she would find a way to get along with people. So here we are texting each other on the phone non-stop. Then all of a sudden

" Hmm.. What's up?" My dad asked me as he entered

" Nothing.." I just told my dad and he gave me a stare that he wanted another answer

" Ena just wanted someone to talk to." I told my dad

My dad went out of my room. PHEW! And I believe he also read Laurena's text which actually made me overthink too bad. Well, I do not know but my dad easily concludes stuff. Anyways, I decided to listen to some music. It was on shuffle then what played was I Think Of You by Taj Jackson. I don't know what happened to me but it made me rise up from bed and started dancing. I started counting in my mind then my body moved all of a sudden then suddenlu I flashed a smile on my face AND I DON'T KNOW HOW AND WHY IT HAPPENED! Anyways, it was afternoon by then I heard my phone vibrate then Laurena texted me...

" Watcha doin already?" She asked me

" Dancing.." I answered her honestly

" Seriously?" She asked me

" Yeah.. But I stop once in a while to text you back." I answered honestly

" Sorry then if I'm disturbing you." She suddenly changed mood

" NO! It's ok... I mean. You're not really disturbing me.. Actually, I got bored until you started texting me." I replied

WHAT THE.. SERIOUSLY JANSSEN? So then our conversation started over again

" Aside from ate Vanessa, was there any other girl that caught your eye?" Laurena suddenly asked me

" Uhm.. None.." I answered her

" And who knew that you could also lie to me.." She suddenly replied

" I'm serious. I promise." I replied to her

" Well, I knew you as a playboy TBH." She texted me

" Meanie!" I just replied to tease her

" Sorry : P " She replied

" Not forgiven." I teased her again

" As if I also have forgiven you." She answered

WOAH WOAH WOAH! Look at how she answered there. Now, she knows how to go with the flow. Unlike Vanessa, usually she'd cry when I would do this.

" Ouch. That would leave a mark." I test her

" Didn't mean to .. but its true! Hahahahaha XD." She answered

Now who knew this geek could be fun to talk to. I mean, she ain't hot headed like the others and I believe people see her as the real opposite despite her fame in the industry

" But seriously.. you never liked anyone else ?" She asked me

" None." I answered

" REALLY? Promise that's the truth." She commanded me

" Yeah.." I told her

" I'm just telling you this.. Everyone thinks of you as a playboy because you look like one. That's why everyone was actually shocked when you and ate Vanessa broke up. I admit. I saw it in you that you were not happy anymore and if I were you I would choose to be alone and happy." She texted me

OK. Is it me or .. IS SHE POINTING OUT THAT SHE IS REALLY A PHYSIC? Nah.. What am I even thinking but she actually had a point at her last sentence. That's why I chose to go. Anyways

" Why are you asking this all of a sudden?" I asked her but she didn't answer back.

Stuck ( To My Boy Best Friend)TMDFG Part TwoDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora