An Imagery

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Laurena's POV

ASAP WAS AMAZING! I swear.. Hihih XD. It was so cool. I mean the four of us being in one dressing room was really a fun time being together. I hope it would happen around. Joshua kept my tummy aching with his jokes and now, my phone is loaded with a lot our selfies. After tonight, It's back to reality in school. Our manager and the four of us made a deal that we would be active again on our sembreak. WHICH WOULD TAKE US LIKE HOW MANY MONTHS.. It just made me wonder where Janssen went after the show coz it seemed like he was really in a hurry

" Laurena..." My mom comes in seeing me looking at some of the music sheets I had in my room

" Mom." I just uttered as I saw her coming in

" Now you found some emotional pieces.. What's up?" My mom asked me

" Nothing much.." I told my momMy mom just gave me that serious stare.

" Really. If there was, I should have told you since the start." I told my mom with a smile

" Well, I never knew you would like this kind of pieces sooner or later." My mom uttered with a mischievous smile I could say

" Hahaha.. It may be stressful to study it but I heard this pieces on the Internet and they are really cool." I told my mom

" Do you really love playing this much?" My mom asked me

" YEAH! You knew that ever since right mom?" I told her

" Sweetheart." My dad came in

" DAD!" I said giving him a tight hug

" My little girlfriend needs a power hug after a busy day!" My dad teased me

" I have a little surprise for you my dear.." Dad told me holding like a piece of paper.. I dont know

" Open it!" My dad told me

" Ok.." I uttered with some doubt but I opened it and..

" YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!" I uttered as I opened it up

" I thought it would really make you smile." My dad told me

" Dad, this application form for the best conservatory in Japan. Yes. That would make me smile for the longest time I could." I told my dad hugging him again

" There's a written test then an audition. I'm sure you would pass this one." My dad told me

" The audition would be the bloody part. Knowing that Japanese have very sensitive hearing and they know how to determine if you play with emotion. They start having an imagery.." My mom told me

" An imagery?" I asked

" It's like they paint a picture with the mood of the music you play." My mom explains

" Woah. Way too cool." I said

" But could you keep it a secret among the three of us first?" My mom requested

" Anything for the best conservatory experience soon." I told my mom with the biggest smile I had.

Skip the usual days I always have at school and I found myself during lunchbreak trying to sleep and listening to Chopin's Ballade no.1 op 23. I don't know why I feel so tired but it was only just the first month and they are not letting us do so many stuff.. At the middle of the serenity of the piece I was listening to

" ENA!" Josh scares me too death

" WOAH!" I just uttered waking up to my senses and trying to catch my phone that is about to drop on the ground

" Got it." He said catching my phone

" Thanks.." I just said in still a sleepy manner

" You woke me up real bad." I told Josh

" What's up?" He asked me

" I don't really know.. I know that we have less tasks to do but.. I feel tired.. I don't know why.." I said

" Are you really sure you do not know?" Joshua asks me honestly

" Maybe.. " I just uttered realizing the reason

" What?" Josh asked me

" Nah.. It aint possible.."I said

" Why do you talk like that?" Josh asked me

" What do you mean?" I asked him

" You utter things out leaving the person listening hanging and you just keep your thought to yourself." Josh explained

" Well, if I know it would be something stupid I just stop my mouth from opening." I kiddingly told him

" Now you are one mischievous girl Ena..." Josh told me with a smileI went back to my music but this time Josh shared the other earphone. He insisted .. with MY CLASSICAL MUSIC WHICH SEEMS TO BE A MIRACLE! Actually, less people appreciate this kind of music

"Hmm.. I think I imagine something with this music.." Josh suddenly uttered

" What are you thinking of?" I asked him

" They seem like they were dancing.." He said

" They?" I asked him

" Yes. A girl and a boy perhaps. Under the stars.." HE said as he started to move his hands to the music and started daydreaming

" DON'T!" I suddenly shouted at him

" Was there something wrong?" He asked me

" Don't start daydreaming.. You may never wake up anymore or worse.. You would start living in it!" I told him

" Don't worry.. I won't then.." He said with a laugh

" Good." I said with a serious smile

" Seriously, what's up with you?" I asked him

" Now, you just returned the question I asked you." He realized

" No... Coz like.. You suddenly wanted to listen to my classical music.." I told him

" Ohh.. that.." He started stuttering

" You're stuttering." I said frankly

" Nah.. I mean.. Don't you think it's worth a try if I would go for something new?" He asked me

" Not really. Just weird to think of.." I mumbled to myself

Ok.. Then the bell rang. Everyone was at their seats.. BUT THEY KEEP TALKING! Seriously? When would this people stop.. But wait..

" The election for officers would be tomorrow right?" One uttered

" Yes.. If I am not mistaken.. Even in the clubs too.."

Another answeredREALLY REALLY REALLY? I hope the spots would be for me.Time went quick and it was dismissal time. Sadly, Coleen went ahead with Josh leaving me alone in our hang out place.. I was enjoying my book and the moment I decided to place it down .. I saw.. Hmm. Janssen and ate Vanessa.. Well, they just passed by each other. Ate Vanessa stopped but Janssen? Well, he just passed by her as a ghost. I believe that hurts. What a sad imagery.

Stuck ( To My Boy Best Friend)TMDFG Part TwoDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora