Wishes on the Bamboo

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" Mom!" I called my mom rushing down the stairs

" What's with all the rush ?" My mom asked

" I saw a place where we could go tomorrow. " I said showing my phone

" Hmm.. Tanabata Festival." My dad reads my phone

" At the museum ... Tomorrow morning." I said with puppy eyes

" Sweetheart,you are just like your mother." My dad told me

" You also believe in magic huh?" My mom asked me

" Nothing would be lost if I believe right?" I told my mom

" Then get ready for tomorrow." My mom told me

" YES! THANKS MOM!" I said giving her a hug

I went up  to the room and got some sleep. Hahahaha. I believe I got too excited.. I don't know what time was that but I silently woke up in the middle of the night I guess but I just saw my mom in my dad's arms

" Our little princess is growing up already." My dad told my mom

" You could say that again." My mom said

" I just can't believe how happy we are.." My dad told my mom

" Time passes by huh?" My mom said

" Fast as light " My dad kids around with my mom

" You geeky joker." My mom answered

" Why? Got bored with it already?" My dad asked

" No. That's why I stayed in love with you silly." My mom answered with a smile

AAAAWWWWEEEE! I am feeling the tinglies. Hehehehehe XD. But I just did not want to show. So here I am waking up to my alarm at 7 am. I rose up and yeah.. I got excited. Charged my phone and the batteries. After, I went down and had breakfast

" Don't feel too excited.." My mom told me

" Sorry ma. I just .. I'm really looking forward to how happy this day could be." I told my mom

" Don't freak out... Because it's possible that we could get crowded." My mom told me

" Let's just enjoy this day filled with magic." My dad told us kiddingly

After we had breakfast, I rushed up to my room and I had a message.

From: Joshua

Hey! Why haven't you been texting me? You make me worried at times you know.

I just replied: " Sorry. I'm enjoying too much. PLEASE Don't disturb me. Don't worry, I won't forget your jams and sunflowers. "

So here I am preparing to go out. I took a shower.Clothed into some jeans and a crop top with some rubber shoes. Got my camera and shades.. Of course my phone. .

" That was fast.." My dad told me

" Wait... Really?" I looked at the clock

" Wait for me first at the living room then we would go." My dad told me

So I just wrote down on the journal. About our cool first day. Mehehehhe. Writing is just really my comfort zone actually. Something that keeps me unique from the others.

" Sweetie, punctuation." My mom told me looking at my journal from my back

" Oohh.. Sorry." I just said with a smile

" OFF TO EXPERIENCE SOME MAGIC!" My dad told us kiddingly

So we went there in a dash. Good thing it was around the corner. And when I got there.. I don't know why but... I saw lots of chilldren that made me smille like crazy actually. Hehehe XD. Then as I stared at them for a moment.

" GO." My mom told me giving some chalk that she bought near where they were drawing.

I rushed to my mom and kneeled on the floor and I started drawing. Sorry for the childish act but yep! It's so fun. My mom and dad were drawing too. Then there was this Japanese little boy drawing beside me. He tapped my arm

" Hi there." I said with a smile

" Beautiful" He said pointing to the stars I drew

" Thank you." I said with a smile

My mom drew the moon and my dad drew the sun.. So, it came out like something like the yin and yang which was so darn beautiful. I really also liked my output. Took a picture of our drawing to be uploaded tonight. Hahahaha XD. Then hours passed by quickly, they sold some Japanese cake at the sides so we got some to fill our tummies. Then the next activity was.. ORIGAMI!. Hahahha XD.

" Hello." The Japanese facilitator told us

" Hello." We all said

" So today I am going to show you.. How to do some origami to hang on the bamboos later.." The facilitator told us

" Why do we need to hang it up later?" One of them asked

" Ohh.. Story.. There is a story I tell to you." The Japanese facilitator told us


" Before, there was a japanese cowboy who fell in love with a very beautiful weaver . They were so happy with each other they forgot to work. SO, the god of the milky way put them in the other ends of the milky way and they would only meet today. In the Tanabata." The facilitator explains

NIce. It is just so cool! Hehehehe XD. So long distance really is true perhaps? Anyways, here we are learning some origami and I find it so cool learning it and seeing the outcome which was really beautiful actually I admit. Then my mom took lots of photos of us together. Then like, they gave us seperate papers

" Make a wish." The facilitator told us

" How?" The little kid asked

" write it down there and you hang it with your origami." The facilitator told us

Actually, there was a big bamboo wall on the center of the hall dividing it into two. Amazing huh? The little kids went to hang it up first. I wanted to attach lots of origami to mine then I wrote down my wish..

" Anything?" Mom asked

" Anything you want mam." The facilitator told us

Hmmm. Anything huh ? OK. I am just going to write something crazy. HIM. As simple as that. Look, I have almost like everything .. Fame, talent,sucess.. and love life is the only one missing. I mean.. Maybe just give it a try for the first time. HAHAHAHA XD. But you know that awesome feeling that he would be there for you no matter what.. You know what I mean.. So my parents hang theirs a bit far from me then they went to get some food.. AGAIN. hahah XD. I stared at some of the origamis then I hanged up mine when all of a sudden..

" LAURENA , WATCH OUT!" My dad screamed

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