Current Living Situation

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She dragged me through the door and I lit the fireplace and wall torches. The others soon followed. The graphics in this game are so great. The whole structure was made with stone and accented by a dark purple-colored wood. There weren't any stairs, or some lifting device, which was especially odd because there was an upstairs. There was a fireplace area, a cot, a kitchen area, two desks, a bookshelf, a mantel, and two closets. One was in the corner, and another was one by the door. Phil went to the corner closet. He opened it and stepped inside.

"What are you doing?" Naki went over and opened the door. "Phil-Guys, come here." We did so. "Phil isn't here. What do you think happened."

"There isn't a note," Dain observed. "Maybe close the door and see what happens?"

Naki glared, though she thought it over. She decided to give it a try. She closed it, counted to three, and opened it back up again. Phil wasn't there. Naki turned to Dain.

"Ok, any ideas?"

"Yes, actually. Let's make water balloons." We all looked at him. "What? I'm pretty sure he is just scaring us. Come on, let's do it."

We gave in. I helped bend the water into the balloons that our siren made. Each of us were prepared to soak him, with three balloons each. Three times five equals fifteen. Fifteen splashes of ice cold revenge. We waited, and the door started to slowly move on it's on to open. Naki quickly shut it. We counted down from five and then she quickly opened the door. We shot our balloons without knowing if he was going to be there, and when we looked, there was a very damp Phil standing in the closet.

"Guess I deserved that."

"Uh, yeah. You did." Dain pulled the Arien into a headlock and started to rub his fist into his captive's head feathers.

"Never do something like that ok? I knew what you were up to, fortunately, but don't do something like it."

"Ok, ok. Just let me go." The shorter creature tried to get out of the grip, but ended up giving up. He probably knew our Dreno was being playful.

"Wait, you knew the whole time?" Naki shouted, her fur patch and eyes turning red. I probably should start calling it mood spots. Whatever. While Naki and Dain fought, Phil told us about the closet. We would just tell it where we wanted to go. We would appear in a closet like the one that was down here. To open it would mean finding our room. Or the bathroom. It sounded a bit cool, actually. At one point, Amika got fed up with Naki and Dain.

"Will you stop fighting already?"

"He started it!" Naki accused, pointing at him.

"Me? No, it was YOU who chose to fight!" Dain objected.

"Maybe if you had even a thought about telling us about the closet, maybe I wouldn't have a reason!"

"If you weren't so hot-headed, maybe you could have not cared!"

"Shut it, you two!" Amika glared at them. She crossed her arms after we fell silent. "I don't care who started it. Fighting is bad. To your rooms, now! Log out and go to sleep. In the morning, you can forget about exploring the world. You two will be stuck here learning how to behave."

"You aren't even our mother!" Naki argued. "I am older than you IN REAL LIFE and in game, I'm the oldest as well. You can't pull the mother card!"

Amika leaned towards me. "Can I be the only one that can pull the mother card?"

She was keeping a good job at acting like it. And we need a mother. Might as well see how good she can act as one. "Sure. But only until I establish a real mother."

"What!? You are agreeing with her?" Dain got up into my face. I didn't flinch. Had no reason to.

"Not agreeing. If you think about it it is logical. She obviously has an upper hand here if she has the card. And mothers are about their ability to help who they are helping, not whether they can pull rank...though they can do that to. So listen to her. Plus, why don't you just do some research for the guild? I'm sure there is a cheat for the guide book Phil has."

"There is." The Arien confirmed.

"Then it's settled. Anyway, I'd like a good night's sleep." I walked past him and into the closet. "Captain's room."

I opened the closet to see a room with white walls, a window, a bed made with white sheets and two white pillows, a desk for studying with a chair, a desk for clothes, and a mirror. There was a door off the way and I looked into it. Bathroom and bathtub. Guess I could use bending to take a shower. I go back into the room and realize there is also a bookshelf. I climb in bed and close my eyes. Wait. I open my eyes and logout first. I command the VR pod to set itself to sleep mode then I close my eyes again. Wonder if classes will be canceled. And what the teachers have as a solution to what happened, if the have one at all.

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