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"It does look like the sword that is described." Filip Iron said, looking down at the sword I brought to him. He was a weapons artist and designer, and he had chosen a blacksmith as his sub-class. It was in the knight class, which to most people wasn't surprising.

"It is the sword." I insisted. He disagreed.

"It's not. If it was, then why doesn't it have a slight glow. I have seen the real sword -helped make it, actually- but the sword you have here isn't the real sword."

"Which corresponds to my theory." Piku said. "Since you talked to her, then you must not be the rightful heir. Now since you can hold the sword, and it doesn't go out of our grasp forever, maybe you are just the one who will defeat Zaros."

"That's true..."

"Then it's settled. Meet me tomorrow morning when you wake up in the training ring. I need to go see to some more preparations before the big fight." Piku left without me objecting. I turned to the big blacksmith.

"Is he always like that?"

"Believe me when I say he is." The man said, laughing a bit. "He has become more of a leader than the producer or game director combined. My suggestion is to get a good night's sleep. Seems like you will need it."

"Great." I walked into the sleeping room and snuggled into my sleeping bag.


The next day, I was at the training area, a big, deep, circular ditch. I had put on a different outfit, a similar one I would use the next day. The ditch had a special enchantment so I couldn't use my elemental powers-all I was armed with was a plain sword. I was practically ready to get bruised, bashed, and maimed by Piku's training. He pretty much implied it.

"Okay, here are the basic rules: We can't kill, only heavily maim. You are going to try to overpower me. I will try to overpower you. I will taunt, but you can't be phased, got it?"

"I think so."

"Good. Once Naki gives the signal, we will start. Got it?"


"Good." Piku nodded nodded to the players on the sideline.

"Arooo!" The signal rung out into the air. I clashed, and soon earned a compliment from Piku. I was still very bruised at the time, but I knew that the sirens we had could heal me. After a long time of fighting and learning, I grabbed Piku's sword by the blade and threw it aside.

"Hey! That isn't a move!"

"Do you really think caring is a good idea at this point?"

"True." He launched at me and tackled me to the ground. Piku pinned my wrists down with one hand, grabbing the sword. He held it to my throat.

"And this is how you could die." He got up and held out his hand. We stood up. He grabbed his sword and checked a message. " in Virtua?"

"What?" He began to climb up.

"They think they found my dad. Come on!" I shrugged and started to climb. It was kind of hard, but I could do it. If my foot didn't slip part of the way. I fell down and I could hear the people's reactions.

"Someone get a doctor!" I felt sore. Was it that I wasn't moving anymore, or something else. I couldn't move. "Hurry over here!"

Dots appeared at the edge of my vision and my vision got blurry. I blacked out.

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