A Few Interesting Developments

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"Hey guys, look at this!" Wiley, one of the Doomscars, plopped a paper in front of our faces at lunch the next day. The morning was spent on another assembly and breakfast. There were only six of us now; Wiley, the two main Doomscars, Lupita, Ren, and me. Which was odd, because I don't remember Renea or Amika getting hurt. We all shared a table.

"What is it?" Zel groaned.

"You know that planet that Zlens are from?"

"We all do, Wiley." Ren said, in a matter-of-fact tone. "We all know the story. Over two thousand years ago, the original Human race was sent into space due to a virus apocalypse. So left the planet, at that time called Earth, which was a planet filled mostly with water. A species called Regenti imprisoned them. The original Humans were tested on so that they no longer could be considered human. At one point, the space testing facility that were holding them was infiltrated by Kinogs. These Kinogs took over the facility, setting the humans free and renaming their race Zlen. Since the original Zlen race didn't have a home, us Kinogs let them onto our planet. Slowly, the English language was incorporated into our language studies, and learning Falram became a hobby for the Zlen race. And now, most humans and Kinogs speak at least a little bit of the other language."

"Do you know about the legend of the Virus Survivors?"

"Of course I do. But it is just a myth. Earth was lost a long while back. There is no way we can find it in the near future." Ren leaned backward in his chair, relaxing, thinking he knew everything.

"That's right. We can't." Wiley agreed. "Because we already found it."

"What?" Ren sat up. He looked at the newspaper Wiley had. We all crowded around him as he read the article:

'Just this past week, the Space Explorer Express has found Earth. After landing, it seems that the legend of Virus Survivors are true. These survivors seem to have a large connection to the Earth, and recent observations has deemed them the same race that left Earth a little over two thousand years ago. While direct contact has yet to happen, we believe that Earth, now posing the name Gentri, is going to be a new home for both Kinogs and Humans alike. Another note on this planet is that as soon as confirmation is given, a land transformation ray will be blasted onto the planet. It has not been tested on a planet with these lifeforms, so results will be a study for science.'

"That's cool." I commented.

"Big deal." Zel said, not sharing in our amazement in this new finding. "We found the planet again. So what? We most likely are going to end up killing everyone on the planet via ray that HAS NOT BEEN TESTED YET and then what? We take it over and continue our life on that planet that has become our new breeding ground. Now all that is left is an apocalypse to happen that causes us to leave our planet and seek refuge on the ONLY PLANET we have located that can sustain life that SOMEHOW has been able to be located before we needed it. So, big deal. Why should we care?"

"She has a point, you know." Vin agreed. We stared at them, then at each other. Wiley was thinking or something. No one couldn't tell-he kind of became emotionless.

"I'll call a meeting." Ren said. "It will start in fifteen minutes."

"You're wasting your time!" Vin called as we headed out of the cafeteria.

Later...Day three in AC, 21 days till Zaros attacks (General guess)

"And how do we even know this is the same planet?" the un-naturally calm Doomscar girl-whose name is Jel, I found out- said.

"Did you not hear them?" Zav said. "The planet has the exact same people who left Earth!"

"We don't know that." Zel objected. "The coordinates for the planet was lost because you were supposed to LEAVE and NEVER COME BACK! How can you say it's the same life forms without a Gen test? Oh, and not only that, but what about the fact that we have no gen test results from when you left Earth, so how in the world would we be able to even compare them?" Liana, the Kinog, started to speak, but Ren held her back.

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