A Virtual Meeting about a Virtual Game

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“I see you all arrived here on time. It’s great to see you in a rested mood after yesterday’s minigame. You all did very well.” The headmistress started the orientation about the new beta testing. “I know all of you like to play games, and so I am excited to tell you about your first game. It was made by a game company you might know well. The company’s name is Silver Raven Interactive.” Alin, who was sitting next to me, elbowed me in the side.


“Sorry. But didn’t your mom work there?”


“Hm.” I looked at him quizzingly before returning to listen to Ms. Valdes.

“This game will contain fantasy elements, as it rotates around ancient lore. The game’s name is Ancient Conquest.”

A picture of what the logo looked like appeared on an invisible screen behind her. It looked like it was floating. The logo had ‘Ancient Conquest’ written on a scroll in big, inked letters. The letters seemed to glow with a blue gleam. Maybe it could glow in the dark. That would help us. The scroll bent away from us on the left, meanwhile on the left it came toward us. Behind it, there was a grey shield covering a golden light.

“Since Silver Raven Industries is allowing us to have thirty beta testers play, the family parents, along with the Marx twins will be joining you in the game. The six adult players will be assessing how you do in the first game to see what you can get help on in training for later. They also have many skills that you will find helpful. After today, many classes will be switched to virtual reality fantasy based ones, or canceled altogether. The list goes as so: Chemistry will change to potions. Biology will focus on various herbs that can be found in the game, and how to use them. Rona Marx and her sister will help you on Animal life. The virtual reality exercise class will be a battle class that will train you for war. I’ll get more on that later as to why. Next, and finally, you will learn the lore and basics facts about AC from Lona Norfleet.

“Speaking of Ms. Norfleet, I will turn this over to her. She has made a presentation for you and I hope you enjoy it. Before it starts, however, you will be shown a trailer for AC.” Ms. Valdes stepped off the stage, taking her podium with her. The room darkened and there was one of those content review things that are normally put before trailers on the board. The trailer was voiced by an old man, as we see him in the video. It’s just an animatic, so some things weren’t fully animated or were just pictures. The audio was beautiful. We got to see how the logo would appear on the trailer since that was finished. A shield turned as it got closer than stopped as the golden light appeared from behind it. The scroll rolled over and ‘Ancient Conquest’ was written by a fantasy-like arrow. When the trailer ended, the presentation started. It had a woman’s voice. Probably Rona’s because we didn’t see much of Rona. Either way, it sounded familiar.

“Not so long ago, there were three heirs to the throne of Axizea.” The video showed three people, two men and a woman. Probably will be a picture video with simple animation. “The oldest son, Amaros, was a kind leader and very wise.” Yep, I was right.  “The youngest, a young woman named Meran, was a gentle and always looked out for the children of their kingdom. But their brother, Zaros, the middle child of the three heirs, was known to be mean and often got into trouble. When King Safaros, died, a will was found naming Amaros as the new king. Zaros came over with jealousy. He left secretly before his brother’s coronation.”

“Most of the ceremony went as planned. However, when it became time to crown Amaros as king, the jealous brother came up and attacked him. Zaros confessed to wanting to murder Amaros. And he would’ve, if Meran did not step in and defend her oldest brother. In front of everyone, he stabbed Meran as she was getting in the way. Reluctantly, Amaros banished his brother to a land called Zularion. The land was filled with rocky terrain, and only during the celebration of life did sun ever shine.

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