A Reunion

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"Seth!" Crys hugged him. I'm pretty sure everyone else but them felt awkward. I don't know what Starra felt though, considering she was probably a little more shocked by the fact Crys recognized him from five feet away in this dark, foggy place than anything.

"Re-Renea!" Seth -actually Seto- was probably blushing.

"Don't use your real names here, you idiots." Ren said. Crys broke the hug.

"Tell us how to get in! We have a plan to overthrow Zaros!"

"Don't just tell him our plan, Crys."

"Don't worry, he is on our side." Crys turned to him. "Are you on our side?"

"You know how to defeat Zaros, you are pretty confident about it, and you are pretty much holding me captive. I think I'm on your side."

"Great!" Crys gave him another hug, in which Seto could hug back since Phil let him go, and Ren reluctantly let him go. Piku looked doubtful, but Crys managed to persuade him that Seto was a friend, not a foe.

"Okay. I believe you. If you insist, then I will take a chance." Piku pinched the bridge of his nose. "As long has he has a plan. You do have a plan, right?"

"Of course."

"Then let's hear it."

"I have some extra robes with me." Seto messaged each of us with a robe clothing item attached. "Put them on. I am pretty sure I can talk them into letting us in. I can say you are paying heed to the master of darkness -or something of that sort."

"And what if this doesn't work?" Phil asked while we put on the robes.

"Then we kill the guards and say we let them through working our way to the main room. Once inside, there is a low count of guards for each hall and so if you just stay close and silent, you should be alright."

"Assuming there isn't any of your Doomscar pals around." Ren added.

"Um, Seto?"

"Yes, Crys?"

"Why don't I have a robe?"

"I ran out, also..." He took out shadow chains and clamped them around Crys' wrists and neck. "you will be a 'present' to the king. For cover purposes. Once we get to the main hall, I'll take them off."

"Oh. Okay."

"Well, if everyone is ready, I think we should at least try it." Luna said. Seto walked a little way in the opposite direction. Piku caught up with him

"Where are you going?" He hissed.

"Where do you think? A little ways means a little more walking, but it will look more realistic for the guards." We all nodded, though I'm guessing Ren was pretty sceptic. We got onto the path and walked up the path. The guards saw us.

"Hie! Wu cuam!" Translation: Hey! Who come! The Falram language doesn't change terms if it's future, past, or present tense. Very confusing sometimes, but it works out okay. Most of the time. Seto removed his hood.

"I'm Seto Doomscar. These are my friends, who have captured something for the Master of Darkness."

"Oh, is that so?" One of the kuth snarled. Random switch of language. Great... "And how do we know it's you?"

"Contact Vin Doomscar. He is my captain. So if you doubt me, then you doubt his order. He told me to come. I just happened to find some potential followers for the King. Do you have a problem with that?"

"No." The other kuth said, making sure his partner said nothing else. They exchanged a look. "We don't. Open the doors."

The kinogs nodded and they opened them up enough so we could get through. The door closed behind.

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