Staying Motivated During Your Workout
▸ I know I already posted this in the past but when I clicked on this chapter to add a fun picture, it was gone. Everything. Every. Word. On. This. Chapter. It made me so mad I wanted to punch the obnoxious twit next to me but I kept my cool and breathed, so I now re-wrote this and hopefully I got most of the text I had since I can't remember and if you remember, please tell me and I will give you credit!
1.| Awesome Workout Clothes
Getting those beautiful mint green leggings and that awesome matching tank, you'll be notated to workout. You'll feel more athletic and sporty like those track runners. You'll want to do more then! So getting comfortable, likable, and eye catching clothes can make you feel inspired.2.| Water Bottle
Weather it's a Camelback water bottle or a dinky plastic one, you'll want one during your workout. This rehydrates you and getting a cool water bottle to bring to the gym/your living room :P will make you feel pumped.3.| Upbeat Music
Always listen to upbeat pop music that will block out everything. Just focus on you and your music.4.| Instagram
Instagram has a ton of workout videos that are easy to follow and has tutorials. There's legs, thighs, booty, ab, arm- pretty much anything!5.| Making Posters
Making cute little posters or guides and taping then on your closet door can be helpful and motivational. You can find guides off of Pinterest/Instagram and write them on paper and viola~ You got you own guide to follow and do everyday.6.| Workout Buddy
Always have a workout buddy. Weather it's your pet, sibling, mother, father, grandma, grandpa, aunt, uncle, cousin, best friend, a workout buddy is there for you. You can create some workouts that you both can do at the same time and it's really fun and keeps you doing more.7.| Have Fun
Choose workouts you enjoy. Not boring donkey kicks, if you wanna dance, dance! If you wanna swim, swim! Do what you like to do. :)I know you can do this!
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Do you have a workout buddy?Sorry if it's not the same but I think I got most of it..? In not sure, but here it is!
Comment~ ✍

A Girl's Guide To Almost Anything [ON HOLD]
RandomHey there girlies! Oh, by the way if any boy is awkwardly reading this- THEN OUT! GIRLS ONLY! Go check out them other featured stories, kay? Let's get started! This is book contains guides, tutorials, DIYs, recipes, tips, tricks and all this other...