What To Do At A Sleep Over
- Truth or Dare
- Board Games
- Pillow Fight
- Energy Drinks (You group up in the number of people there are and make a drink of whatever sauces or juice or whatever is in the kitchen and make it to a drink and make the opposite group drink a sip, a girl puked at my drink 😂😅)
- Food Spin (Take as many snacks as you want and put them on plates then put different sauces on each snack but leave yummy snack available for a bonus; example: Oreos with mayo, flaming hot cheetohs with syrup..)
- Movie
- Sing Off
- Dance Off
- Talk about girls you hate
- Talk about hot guys
- Do blind makeup
- Paint each other's nails
- Do each other's hair
- Tell secrets
- Swim in the middle on the night
- Ice Cube Fight
- Tickle Fight
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If you had do make an Energy Drink for someone, what would you put in it?Haha! I did many of these at a slumber party and it was epic! I had to eat flaming hot Cheetohs with syrup, it actually wasn't that bad 😕
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♡ Natalie

A Girl's Guide To Almost Anything [ON HOLD]
LosoweHey there girlies! Oh, by the way if any boy is awkwardly reading this- THEN OUT! GIRLS ONLY! Go check out them other featured stories, kay? Let's get started! This is book contains guides, tutorials, DIYs, recipes, tips, tricks and all this other...