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picture: 6th year malfoy;)


Every family has a secret. I know mine does. And when your parents are Death Eaters and work for Lord Voldemort, that's a pretty big secret.

I wish I didn't have to carry this around with me though. I hated what my family was.

And I hated what I'd become. I'd become this spiteful, headstrong girl who didn't give a damn about anyone's feelings.

I wished I could have a normal life sometimes. Then maybe, just maybe, I would be kinder and less obstinate.

I only acted like this because of my family and because of what they did and what they were. I had built this wall around me, and I swore to myself it would stay up, and nobody would knock it down. I had to be this way.

It was pretty easy being like this. And when your Death Eater family was close friends with another Death Eater family, the Malfoys, it was even easier, considering their son, Draco, who was my age, hated me. And I despised him as well.

And yes, it may seem like I had it good. Yes, I'm rich. Yes, I'm smart. Yes, I'm popular. Yes, guys are obsessed with me (it's not like I pay them any attention though). But you know, not everything is what it seems.

But I knew one thing for sure. I was not becoming one of them. I was not going to be one of Lord Voldemort's minions. And I was not becoming close with Draco, like my parents wanted.

But things have to change sometimes.

Dark Love (A Draco Malfoy Love Story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora