t w e l v e

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picture: professor slughorn lmaoo

song of the day: ellie goulding and calvin harris- outside (anevo remix) 


Draco decided to give the mead to Slughorn to pass on to Dumbledore after Potions tomorrow. He was going to stay after class and give it to him then.

The entire period, Draco fiddled with his Slytherin ring, a telltale sign that he was nervous.

When Professor Slughorn assigned us a potion to create by the end of the period, Draco made his totally wrong and almost set his hair on fire.

"Bloody hell!" Draco shouted, backing away from the steaming, flaming cauldron.

I hurried over to him and quickly closed the cauldron.

"Thanks." He said breathlessly.

"Draco, m'boy, I do believe your head is somewhere else today." said Professor Slughorn as he walked past our table.

Draco rolled his eyes and I helped him dispose of the ruined potion.

"You didn't have to help me." He grumbled as he cleared his area of his materials.

"Well, considering how you just screwed up your whole potion, I think I did." I fired back.

Draco's eyes were filled with regret.

"Sorry." He said. "I'm just panicking a bit about after class."

I looked at him sympathetically.

"I'll stay with you." I said.

Draco shook his head.

"No, Elizabeth, that really isn't necessary."

Before I could answer, the bell rang and everyone began to leave.

Draco motioned for me to get going, but I stood my ground.

"I'm staying, Draco." I said firmly.

Draco sighed and we both made our way towards Professor Slughorn.

I noticed Harry Potter and his two dreadful accomplices watching us as we walked to the front of the room.

I glared at him.

"What are you looking at Potter?" I snapped, still annoyed about the conversation I had overheard about how his assumption that me and Draco are Death Eaters.

He didn't say anything, he just continued to look at me. Then, he gestured to his friends to turn around and they left the classroom.

"Professor Slughorn!" Draco called.

The old professor turned his head and grinned at us.

"Ah, Mr Malfoy and Ms Bradshaw! What can I do for you?"

Draco reached into his book bag and pulled out the bottle of mead.

"Well, you see sir, I have this lovely bottle of mead I wanted to give to Professor Dumbledore as a gift, and I'm swamped with homework and I have absolutely no time to stop by his office and give it to him. I was wondering..could you possibly deliver it to him for me?" 

I looked over at Draco. He really was quite the charmer, I'm surprised girls weren't all over him like guys were with me. Maybe it was because of his reputation.  Draco quickly glanced at me and I tried to hide my smile.

"Oh course, dear boy! That's wonderful, I'm sure Dumbledore will be quite pleased." Professor Slughorn held his hand out and Draco handed him the bottle.

Dark Love (A Draco Malfoy Love Story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora