t w e n t y t w o

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Never in a million years did I think I would be able to see someone die, let alone kill them myself. I never thought I'd become a Death Eater, even though almost everyone I knew was one. I never thought I'd be working with the Dark Lord to take down the school which I'd been going to for years.

And I never, ever thought that I would fall in love with the person who I thought I hated.

But here I was, standing with Voldemort's army of thousands of Death Eaters on the hill facing Hogwarts, Draco's hand entwined in mine.

I used to tell myself and everyone else I didn't want to be a Death Eater, and I didn't want to cause harm, or death anywhere. Despite my hatred for Harry Potter and his friends, I never wanted to see them dead. But now, it was different.

"Let us go now, and cause ruin to Hogwarts. Soon, Harry Potter will be dead and I will reign all of the wizarding world." Voldemort hissed now, an evil smirk on his face.

Everyone around us began to apperate, so Draco and I grabbed each other and we too apperated into the school.

We found ourselves in the Great Hall. Death Eaters and Hogwarts students ran around, and I heard glass breaking and people shouting.

I glanced at Draco.

"What now?" I asked.

Determination filled his eyes, and he looked around at our surroundings.

"We find Potter."


We both hurried through the school, pushing through the crowds of frantic students and vengeful Death Eaters, trying to see where Potter and his gang was.

We reached the staircases, which were overly crowded. Just as we reached the top of one staircase, I spotted Ginny Weasley heading our way. She didn't see us, but I saw her.

I tugged on Draco's sweater and pointed at Ginny.

He nodded and we both started towards her.

Before she could get down the stairs, I grabbed her and slammed her into the wall, putting my arm up against her throat.

"Where's Potter?" I growled.

"I-I don't know!" Ginny cried, fear written all over her face. I could tell she was lying, though. I had quite a knack for reading people's facial expressions.

"Tell me the truth, or I swear I'll kill you right here in front of all these people!" I threatened, feeling no remorse for my words. I always hated Ginny, she was a whiny, immature, little brat who followed Potter around like a lovestruck, lost puppy. Even though I really wasn't going to kill her, saying that I was proved to be a good tactic in getting people to confess.

"Fine! He's headed towards the Room of Requirement." She blurted.

"Why?" Draco asked.

"He's getting another Horcruxe so he can destroy it." Ginny answered. I knew she was being vague on purpose, smart girl.

"Which Horcruxe, Ginny?" I asked, gritting my teeth and trying to contain my impatience.

Dark Love (A Draco Malfoy Love Story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora