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"Hurry!" Bellatrix hissed as we rushed out of the Astronomy Tower, down the stairs, and down the long, and luckily vacant hallways.

I tried to process what I just did as I jogged at a fast pace to keep up with Bellatrix, Fenir, and the two other Death Eaters she'd brought along who's names I didn't know.  I knew in the back of my mind that Draco wouldn't be able to kill Dumbledore, but I didn't actually think I would end up being the one to point my wand at him and say the most horrible Unforgivable Curse.  I had a surge of bravery the entire time it happened, and now that it was over and Dumbledore was dead, all I felt was regret. This is exactly what I didn't want to Draco to be feeling.

Voldemort did specifically say that no one but Draco was to kill Dumbledore tonight, and now I was thinking about if he would be angry or not that I killed him instead. But he most likely had no idea of the Unbreakable Vow I'd made with Narcissa, unless Bellatrix tattled on us.

I shuddered.

I never had a connection with Dumbledore like that wretched Potter boy and his sidekicks did, but he was always kind to me whenever I was around him, even though he most likely knew what my parents were. And I'd just killed him. I'd just killed someone, and I didn't even know why.

Draco walked quickly next to me, not saying a word. He probably felt guilty for backing down and panicking, and like me, was too shocked to talk.

Just as we turned a corner, Professor Snape's billowing black robes clashed with us, causing us to halt.

"Is it done?" He asked in that annoying monotonous voice of his.

"Yes, yes, it's all done. Lizzie made nice work of Albus." Bellatrix said excitedly, using her childhood nickname for me.

Snape's beady black eyes landed on me.

"Well done, Elizabeth." He said, barely moving his mouth.

I gave him a short nod, unable to speak.

"Yes, even though Draco was supposed to do it. He just...couldn't." Bellatrix threw a disapproving glare at her nephew. "I don't know how we're going to explain that one to the Dark Lord."

Hm. So she hadn't said anything about the Vow to anyone.

I glanced over at Draco. He looked even paler than usual, and his lip was quivering.

"We must go. Now." Snape said, and we began to run again.

We turned another corner into the Great Hall, which we had to go through in order to exit the school.

I watched as Bellatrix hopped on the Hufflepuff table and ran across it, kicking glass plates and goblets aside as she went, breaking them. She took out her wand then and pointed it at the Hall's huge stained glass windows.  The sound of broken glass filled my ears as every single window shattered. All of the wax candles that were lit up every evening at dinner, blew out, and the Great Hall was dark.

I felt tears prick my eyes, but I held them back. I ate in that beautiful hall for six years alongside my fellow Slytherins. I loved seeing the candles all lit up and the looking at the ceiling that was enchanted to look like a starry night sky.  And now it was ruined.

We left the school, and went outside, down to where Hagrid's hut was.

Just as I was about to walk towards it to go around it, it burst into flames. On instinct, Draco put an arm out to stop me from going any further. I could've smiled right then, but I was too distressed. Bellatrix screamed in delight and I knew it was her who'd set Hagrid's house on fire. I never liked Hagrid, but he didn't deserve to lose his house. That was everything he had, and now it was being burned to ashes by someone who didn't even care.

The heat from the fire warmed my face and I watched for a moment as the roof caved in.

"Elizabeth!" I heard a voice say to me. "Elizabeth!" 

Draco put his arm down and we both turned to see who was yelling.

It was Harry Potter. He was running down the hill towards us, drawing out his wand.

"You killed him! You killed Dumbledore!" He shouted at me as he came closer. His face was tear stained and his expression was angry and upset. I felt no sympathy towards him. I hated him with all my heart, and I may have felt remorse for what I did to Dumbledore, but never for Harry.

I reached for my own wand in the pocket of my jeans.

"Elizabeth-" Draco started.

"It's fine, Draco. I can take him. Go on." I said.

He shook his head firmly.

"I'm staying." He answered.

I looked at him for a second without smiling, then turned back to Harry who was just about to preform the Cruciatus Curse on me.

"Cruc-" He began to say, but Draco beat him to it.

"CRUCIO!" He yelled, and a jet of red light shot out of Draco's wand and hit Harry in the chest. He fell onto the ground, writhing in pain.

We stood still for a moment, not knowing what else to do.

"Shall we kill him?" asked Draco.

Before I could say anything, Snape approached us.

"No. He belongs to the Dark Lord." He said.

What? Why would Voldemort want Harry? I mean, I know everything that happened when Harry was an infant; Voldemort killed both his parents and tried to kill him too, and couldn't, and now Voldemort hated him and wanted to kill him, but-

I looked at Draco. He wasn't making eye contact with me and I had a bad feeling that he knew something about this whole situation that I didn't.

"I'll deal with Potter. Since Dumbledore is dead, the protection seal against Hogwarts is lifted, so people can Apperate and Disapperate on school grounds. Go with Bellatrix and Apperate with her back to Malfoy Manor. I'll catch up."

Draco and I stood staring at him for a moment.

"Go!" said Snape loudly.

Then, we both took off in a run, catching up to Bellatrix and the others who were continuing to make their way down the hill.

We took her arm once we were near enough and that familiar feeling of being sucked into a tube returned, and we were then back at Malfoy Manor.

Dark Love (A Draco Malfoy Love Story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora