f o u r

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picture: the dark mark

song of the day: Snow- Machineheart;)


His name sent a cold chill down my spine. Nobody talked for a minute after Bellatrix said Voldemort was coming.

"What do you mean...he's coming? Coming here?" Draco asked slowly.

"No, he's coming to London for tea with his other Death Eater slaves...yes, he's coming here, Draco! Did you not just hear what Auntie Bella said?" I said. I called Bellatrix "Auntie" because I've known her for so long and she was basically my aunt too.

Draco gave me a filthy look.

"Yes, I heard. I have ears." Draco answered me.

"Don't fight. Please. Not now." My mum tried to say.

Draco and I glared at each other for moment longer, then we both looked away.

"If he's coming by Apparation, he'll be here any second now." My father said.

"He's angry, Cissy. He's angry that Lucius is in Azkaban. He needed him to do that task for him." Bellatrix said to Narcissa.

"What task?" Draco asked angrily.

Suddenly, a flash of black appeared and the flash turned into black robes with someone clothed in them. It was Voldemort. I felt my knees begin to shake and I had to grip the wall for support. Voldemort looked at each of us in turn, when his slitted eyes landed on me, I felt faint.

"Well. This little meeting is very unexpected, but it had to be arranged." Voldemort said in his hoarse, eerie voice.

"My Lord, I-" Narcissa started, but Voldemort held up his hand to silence her.

"No need to explain, Narcissa. It's already done. Your stupid husband made a fool out of himself, and he embarrassed me and the other Death Eaters. He was dimwitted enough to get himself caught and sent to prison. And now I'm short a Death Eater." Voldemort's eyes landed on me and Draco.

"No matter." He said, a slow smile creeping up onto his face, still looking at us.

"What-what are you thinking, my Lord?" My mum asked softly.

Voldemort looked at her now.

"I think you know exactly what I'm thinking, Gwendolyn." He rasped.

I swear my heart almost stopped as my mind made the connection.

He wanted to make Draco and I Death Eaters.

Voldemort looked back at me and Draco, then turned sharply into another room, signaling that he wanted Draco and I to follow him.

Once he was out of earshot I turned to my mother.

"Mum, he can't make me a Death Eater! I'm not 17 yet, and I'm-I'm-" I stopped talking when I realized tears were forcing their way out. I squeezed my eyes shut and pinched the bridge of my nose. I was strong. I haven't let anyone see me cry in ages. I needed to control.

"You're not ready?" My mum finished softly for me.

I nodded silently, my eyes still closed.

"I can't, Mum." I said.

"Gwen, how can you let her act like this?! If I had children, they would be willing to give themselves over to the Dark Lord." Bellatrix said.

I glared at her.

"Well, that's not me." I snapped.

Bellatrix glared right back.

"Watch your tongue with me, little girl. I could have you dead in a second." She growled.

Dark Love (A Draco Malfoy Love Story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora