t w e n t y f o u r

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It all happened at once. The all too familiar flash of green light, my mum falling to the ground, not even aware of what happened to her.

I put a hand to my mouth, my body shaking with tears.

I started to run towards her, but someone pulled me back. I whirled around and saw that it was Ron and Hermione.

"Let me go! He just killed my mother! Let me go!" I shouted, trying to wriggle out of their grip. But both of them combined were too strong for me, and I sank into my knees, letting the tears escape. Ron and Hermione let go of me and stepped back, leaving me be.

Voldemort only laughed harder at this.

"You and your mother were very close, yes?" He asked me.

I didn't answer him, I just kept crying. I saw Draco, his face contorted into an expression of pain, grief, and sadness for me. He started to walk towards me, but Lucius pulled him back once again.

I can't believe this. My role model, my best friend, my mother, was dead. Voldemort killed her to threaten me. To make it known to everyone that this was what he could do if you disobeyed him.

"No harm will come to anyone else you care about, or you even, if you just come back to us." Voldemort said, as calmly as if he was talking to a friend.

I felt for my mother's necklace and held it tight. I couldn't go back to the dark side. I remembered my mother's face just moments before she was killed. She looked proud. I had to stay, for her.

"No." I said softly, my voice quivering. I swallowed hard and wiped away my tears. I had to be brave now. If I showed Voldemort my emotions, he wouldn't take me seriously.

"What?" Voldemort asked.

I stood now, and Hermione helped me up.

I brushed myself off and looked him right in the eyes.

"I said, no." I answered, louder this time.

Before Voldemort could fire another Killing Curse, we heard a loud thump. I turned and saw that Harry had rolled out of Hagrid's arms and was now slowly getting up off the ground.

I gasped and stepped back. Hermione laughed, her mouth agape in shock, and I know she was thinking the same thing I was.

How the bloody hell is Harry Potter alive?

But I had no time to wonder about that, because he instantly shouted "Frio!" and attempted to shoot a fireball at Nagini. Voldemort turned his wand away from me and aimed it at Harry, throwing even bigger fireballs at him.

Harry made a run for it into the covered outdoor hall where students used to walk to classes. Chaos

Fire shot out of Voldemort's wand and exploded loudly, blowing up pieces of the covered bridge. I still spotted Harry, who was quicker than Voldemort's spells. I almost laughed at how he managed to miss Potter every time.

Hogwarts students and teachers started flooding into the castle, shielding spells beginning to make their way around the vicinity of the building.

I heard Death Eaters start shouting now. I looked towards them and saw that most of them were Apperating away. I shook my head in disgust. So much for being Voldemort's loyal followers. They're probably scared because they realized that since Harry survived the Killing Curse, he could be stronger than Voldemort. Fleeing for their own safety, how bloody typical.

My eyes landed on my father. He took one last look at my mother's body, then shot himself into the sky. Soon, he was nothing more than a black Apperated speck. He just left his only daughter here, alone, in the midst of all this fighting, and didn't even have the decency to take his dead wife's body back with him.

Dark Love (A Draco Malfoy Love Story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora