f i f t e e n

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a/n: heyy sorry for the big time gap but thats just how my story is set so yeah

song: control by halsey



After four long months of working with the Vanishing Cabinet, it was finally fixed. Elizabeth and I did everything possible to repair it and it was now alright to have Aunt Bellatrix and three other Death Eaters pass through the cabinet in Borgin and Burkes to the one at Hogwarts.

There was about three weeks left before school ended for the summer, and two days until I had to complete the task of killing Professor Dumbledore. I became more nervous and edgy as the day became nearer. I could barely eat, or sleep. Elizabeth tried to comfort me by saying it'll be quick, and that it's just a spell, and we'll be gone right after, but nothing she could say made me feel any better.

The day was finally here. Thank God it was a Saturday, so I didn't have any classes, I could just sit in my room and sulk around, trying to get myself together.

Breakfast and lunch came and passed, and I still was up in my room. Dinner came around...and I was still up in my room.

I was aimlessly flipping through the pages of one of my textbooks, trying to get my mind off everything. Rain pounded against the windowsills, thunder rumbled, and white lightning flashed.

Suddenly, a knock sounded at my door. I just sat there and didn't answer.

"Draco, it's Elizabeth, open up." Elizabeth's sweet voice said through the door.

Unable to resist her, I got up and opened the door. She stood there with a plate filled to the brim with food and a goblet filled with pumpkin juice.

"I brought you dinner!" She exclaimed.

I didn't say anything as she handed me the glass of pumpkin juice and walked slowly over to my bed and set the food down.

"Come and sit." She basically ordered me.

I grinned slightly and sat across from her on my bed.

"Eat!" She said, gesturing to the plate.

I did as she said and took slow and small bites.

"So." said Elizabeth after I finished.


A clap of thunder made me jump.

"Still on edge, I see?" asked Elizabeth.

I nodded.

"It'll be okay, Draco...trust me."

"What if we don't leave fast enough? What if Professor McGonagall or someone else finds out it was me?" I said out loud, ignoring what she just said to me.

"I'm sure Snape will-" Elizabeth started, but I cut her off.

"What if they go after me, or you? What if we get sent to Azkaban? Or what if...what if they kill one of us?"

"Draco, I don't think they would do that." Elizabeth said gently.

"How do you know that?" I snapped.

Elizabeth backed away slightly and I sighed.

"I'm sorry."

Her expression softened and she moved closer towards me again.

Dark Love (A Draco Malfoy Love Story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora