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picture: the golden trio through the years

song of the day: {Tropical House} Phoebe Ryan- Mine (Win and Woo Remix) 


After the chat between me and Draco, I honestly felt so much better.  It felt easier to breathe now that I knew the truth.  Yes, it was a little awkward and shocking to me knowing that Draco has been in love with me for years, but it was better than him hating me for the rest of our lives. And I didn't even know if I liked him back.  I mean, yes, he was attractive. But we couldn't be more than friends, considering our situation.

I was walking  to Potions now. Snow was lightly falling, making all of outside a white wonderland.

"Liz! Hey, Liz!" I heard Pansy calling me.  I kept walking, even though I'd heard her.

I've been avoiding Pansy and my other friends since Christmas.  It was easy sometimes, considering Draco and I didn't go to dinner or lunch, and came to the common room very late at night.  In class when my friends talk to me, I was very distant in my answers and didn't try to start a conversation with them. 

I felt Pansy tug on my robes and I had to turn.

"Oh! Hi, Pansy! Sorry I didn't hear you calling me." I said innocently.

"Can we talk before we head up to Slughorn's  room?"  Pansy asked me.

I nodded, knowing exactly what she wanted to talk about.

"Are you okay?"

"What do you mean?"  I asked, cocking my head, trying to play dumb.

Pansy's face turned red.

"Well...I mean...you haven't been at dinner or lunch or in the common room before bed for over a month.  And I noticed Draco hasn't either.  Is he taking you places? Is he hurting you?"

I forced out a laugh.  If only it was that simple.

"No, no no, Pansy! Draco isn't hurting me! He actually just told me he has a crush on me." I announced.

Pansy's eyes widened.


I nodded.

"Yeah, so we've just been around the castle during mealtimes...talking, reading, doing whatever. And we don't come to the common room before bed because there's always too many people in there.  We like privacy when we snog."

Pansy's eyes widened even more and  my heart sank lower and lower.  I hated lying to my friend like this, but it had to be done.  Nobody but Draco and I could know about what we were actually up to.

"Well, I've got to use the loo.  I'll meet you in Potions!"  I said and flounced off before Pansy could speak again.


I didn't actually go to the loo.  I took the long way to Potions so I could think.  As I was just about to round a corner, I heard three familiar voices speaking.  It was Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley.

I stopped short and pressed myself up against the wall so I could listen to what they were saying without being seen.

"It's happened."  I heard Harry saying.

"What's happened, Harry?"  I heard Granger's unbelievably annoying voice ask.

"Draco Malfoy is a Death Eater.  And I think Elizabeth Bradshaw is one as well." 

Dark Love (A Draco Malfoy Love Story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora