t w e n t y t h r e e

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Elizabeth and I ran through the halls of Hogwarts, trying desperately to find one of our parents, or Bellatrix even. We pushed through the crowds and stepped over broken glass and other pieces of debris.

As we passed some windows, some of which had been broken, Elizabeth stopped and glanced outside. Even though we needed to move, I stopped as well and looked where she was looking. I saw that the wooden bridge connected to Hogwarts which could be used as another entrance had been broken and half of it was gone. The Astronomy Tower was currently on fire, and so was most of the rest of the castle. Everyone was fighting out by the entrance to Hogwarts, and flashes of light were flying everywhere.

I looked over at Elizabeth and saw tears welling up in her eyes

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I looked over at Elizabeth and saw tears welling up in her eyes. I felt for her, the sight of this beautiful school being destroyed made me want to cry too, even though I always hated it here. But before I could let her stand there and grieve any further, I tugged on her hand.

She looked at me, her eyes watery.

"We have to go, love." I said, my voice cracking. She looked so sad, and I was sad too, about Goyle and about everything that was going on. I just wanted to hold her in my arms and never let go, but we couldn't do that.

She nodded and we started walking again.

We turned the corner which led into the Great Hall and suddenly, I felt cold all over, like I had chills running up my spine. The candles lighting the hallway blew out, and we were left in dim darkness.

Some people screamed, while others fled.

I stopped walking completely and kept Elizabeth close to my side.

"I command all my forces to retreat now." A snakelike voice said now. It was Voldemort. I shuddered. I knew he was using his magic to get into the minds of every person here and speak to them. I looked around me. Students sank down to the floor, their ears covered. Elizabeth's shoulders were hunched over and her eyes were tightly shut. I squeezed her hand reassuringly and pulled her closer to me.

"Retreat now, so the fighters at Hogwarts can dispose of their dead with dignity." Voldemort continued. I winced. He only came here for Harry Potter and of course he had to kill more people than necessary.

"This message is for Harry Potter. If you don't come to the Forbidden Forest in 10 minutes, I will anyone who stands in my way." He finished now.

I glanced at Elizabeth with wide eyes. We had to get to the Forest, that's probably where everyone was.

I nodded at her and we started to head out of Hogwarts and towards the Forbidden Forest.


We made our way through the dark forest, Elizabeth holding my hand tightly. Owls screeched above us and the slight breeze rustled the tall trees. We walked until we came to a small clearing of grass guarded by trees. I spotted Voldemort, Bellatrix standing next to him, and a bunch of Death Eaters in the back. Hagrid was there as well, his wrists tied with rope.

Dark Love (A Draco Malfoy Love Story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora