Chapter 23: The Swimmer Jesy?

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It was only half an hour but I was still nervous, pacing up and down the dining hall for while. It was Wednesday today, a few days since I got back from playing the last tournament games in Michigan. And since it was Wednesday today, it meant that today was the day in which Jesy was coming over for dinner. ¨Pet? What are you doing pacing up and down? You'll plow the house down flat.¨ Mam came around the corner and caught me red handed. ¨I well, we have a lot to explain mam, because-well, it was for her safety.¨ I started. Before I could continue on, thankfully the bell rang. Jesy was here. ¨Ah! That must be them! Honest, it's been so long.¨ She smiled and pecked my forehead before practically kicking me to the door. Well, it has been a while since I brought anyone home. I sighed and opened the door, feeling my worry disappear to see my girlfriend standing in front of me in some nice black jeans, a loose-knit grey button up blouse up and docs. Absolutely adorable. ¨Hey love.¨ My heart melted in my fucking stomach as I made some stupid happy sound and attacked her in a hug. ¨Hey.¨ I smiled into her neck. She studied me for a minute before smiling widely. ¨Don't you look amazing?¨ I blushed, nearly shrinking into my dress before leading her inside, taking her hand. Mam was waiting down the hall in the living room. Before we went in however, we stopped.

¨We're going to tell her the truth okay? I don't care as long as she knows who you're dating.¨ Jesy was straight to the point. ¨Okay. Thank you for doing this.¨ I felt incredibly happy knowing that I didn't have to keep Jesy to myself. I wanted my mam to see who I was with. So with that, we smiled even brighter at one another and continued down the hallway, coming into the living room to see my mom sipping her tea and watching the telly. ¨Mam? I've got someone here you want to meet.¨ I spoke up squeezing my girlfriend's hand gently, letting Jes know she could let go if she wanted. My mam hopped up in an instant. ¨Hello love! How do you do? I'm Norma, Jade's mam. Pleasure to meet you.¨ She bubbled with excitement. ¨Hi Miss Thirlwall, I'm Jesy, pleased to meet you.¨ My girlfriend giggled, accepting her hug. ¨Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes? Jade where'd you meet her? She's lovely!¨ Mam patted her cheek and seemed to do a double take. ¨Jesy? Jesy who?¨ She asked. ¨Jessica Nelson.¨ My girlfriend answered. This seemed to make my mam realize.
¨Jessica Nelson, Jesy. Wait a minute. The swimmer, Jesy? As in-the Olympics.¨ I watched as her eyes widened in shock. My girlfriend was blushing hard and staring at the floor; I only swallowed nervously, waiting. ¨That's me.¨ Jesy nodded slowly, not letting go of my hand. ¨Well, wow. This is certainly a shocker-how'd you get out here? The tabloid wasn't lying then.¨ Mam said after a minute, her eyes widening again. ¨My manager wanted to give me time off. The media was a bit... much.¨ Jesy answered again, honestly. ¨I'm so sorry.¨ My mam said after a few minutes.
¨Sorry? Miss you haven't done anything.¨ Jesy assured her. ¨Right, but I'm sure you don't deserve this, to be shipped away from home just like that. How are you coping love?¨ Bloody hell, that surely surprised me. I almost thought she would reject us together, but she wasn't doing that, not at all. ¨It's been a bit tough, but, Jade has helped me. A lot, I'm very grateful for her.¨ Jesy looked at me with happiness in her eyes. Her expression purely expressed the gratitude she felt for me. ¨You let me help, that's all I wanted.¨ I answered, feeling a pang of delight. ¨Well, looks like I raised her well.¨ Mam nodded, smiling again. ¨You're not mad?¨ Jesy almost gaped. ¨Of course not! I'm very surprised that you are-well, famous and dating my daughter. But you've got a big heart and you're good to her, I know it.¨ Mam was making me want to curl up into a ball and die as well as dance in victory. Either way, Jesy was still blushing like a tomato. ¨Thank you, I appreciate that.¨ She said. ¨Oh call me Norma already.¨ Mam grinned, leading us into the dining room to eat. I sat across from my girlfriend while mam sat between us both at the head of the table.
¨So how did you two meet properly? I've got to say, I hope Jade here was nice because usually when you interrupt her morning runs or isolation time at the pool she gives you about five sec-¨ ¨Mam!¨ I whined. Jesy chuckled and thought for a minute. ¨We talked when Jade invited me to go to the movies with her friend.¨ She answered. "I remember kicking you out of the house to go greet the girl, looks like I could take some credit you know?¨ My mam nosed over after thinking for another second. ¨But I was the one who made the decision to go anyways!¨ I shook my head, mam didn't need credit for that. I was convinced. Jesy was watching us silently and laughing into her soup. ¨Miss Th-Norma, the soup has literally made my day, I really love it.¨ She stated whilst spooning it into her lips. ¨Oh I'm delighted to hear that! Honestly this girl doesn't know anything about appreciating her mam's cooking.¨ My mam turned back to me once more, joking looking at me pointedly. I only sighed in response and ducked my head to the level of the flowers. "Ok mam that was a bit harsh." I murmured. "What's that thing that your friends say biscuit? Shots fired? Yes I think so, and I'm currently kicking arse." Mam grinned. "I love you mammy I really do, but don't say that ever again." I giggled at my mam's words. Everyone settled into comfortable laughter and the dinner flowed easily afterwards. Jesy opened up to my mam about her life, she told us about her parents and how they weren't the most accepting of people, her life whilst swimming on the Olympic team and the fact that she went to Manchester on an athletic scholarship for four years.
"First year I went for undecided and then switched to a psychology major. After first semester however I was asked to join the team with Perrie and Leigh-Anne so we all accepted. We graduated in our swim warm-ups beneath our gowns." She giggled at the memory, making me smile. That was cute, imagining my girlfriend trying to hide her Olympic warm ups beneath a silky red gown. "Did you hide the goggles in the cap?" Mam asked. "No actually, I gave them to my coach before we left." She grinned.
"Well aren't you a dime?" Mam chuckled whilst beginning to take the empty dishes. "I got it mam, stay." I decided to let Jes and mam talk some more so I took the dishes out of her hands. "Bless, this is a rarity! Jesy what have you done to my biscuit?" Mam did a double-take. "Oh come on mam." I chuckled before leaving them to talk. Jesy only shrugged but met my eyes before smiling. I returned the grin, feeling like my stomach was bursting with happy rainbows and unicorns.
I like this. I like this a lot.

Hey guys I've been kinda gone I know, I wish I'd update more but lately I've been lacking time and inspiration and I'm so very sorry. I'm still doing my best but I'm going to be honest-I won't be able to update many of my works regularly. Just letting you all know.
But I appreciate you all for reading my works, so keep slaying and being beautiful. Lots of love to you all xx

Deep down inside my heart (A Jesy Nelson story) *slow updates*Where stories live. Discover now