Chapter 14

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Olivia was slowly coming to her senses. She tried to sit up and opened her eyes, but she couldn't. She noticed Drake coming towards her to help her sit on the bed.

"What happened to me?" Olivia asked in confusion.

He explained, "You went into shock, which caused you to blackout."

"Am I in the emergency room?" She inquired.


"Okay." Olivia tried to get up to attend the rest of the lecture, but Drake stopped her.

"Olivia, you have already missed one lecture, and with only one more to go, you might as well take a break and explain what the hell happened back there."

Olivia was hesitant to follow his request, but she knew she needed to tell someone. Drake and Jiggy were the only people who knew the whole truth about her, which is why she felt so at ease with them. Olivia told him everything from the moment she stepped into Rosewood until now.

"I still can't believe it." Drake couldn't say anything.

"I don't blame Sia and Mason for being upset. For the past three years, I haven't been the best person for them, and Caleb knows nothing about me. So he would never have guessed that pushing me towards the locker would send me into shock."

"I know that, Livy. But that doesn't give him the right to treat you so harshly. And they need to know that you are not comfortable with people touching you roughly."

"I cannot tell them, Drake. I cannot. I don't want their sympathy or any kind of pity. I just want to forget everything. I am not even sure why I am here. I just want to leave this place and go somewhere where no one knows me. I am just waiting for the year to end so I can leave this place for good."

"Olivia..." Drake tried to talk, but Olivia interrupted him.

"No, Drake. This place has lots of painful memories."

"What about Cameron?" He asked.

"I don't deserve him. I am not in a stable condition. As it is, he is just a kid. He will be able to forget me easily."

"Will you be able to forget him, or will you be able to live without him?" This made Olivia look into Drake's eyes.

"I will survive. I have lots of memories of him that will keep me going in my life."

Drake realized that arguing with Olivia was pointless. She has always been stubborn and persistent in her decision-making.

"At the very least, don't cut yourself off from your friends until you leave." He told her desperately.

"It will be easier for them to handle themselves when I leave again. It's better that they hate me."

"Olivia, please. Don't do this to yourself. Stop hurting yourself. Talk to your friends about it. Don't tell them about your last three years, but at least try to rekindle your relationship with them."

Olivia gave a nod.

Caleb, on the other hand, was concerned about Olivia. When he left Olivia in the corridors, he noticed she had a terrified expression on her face, as if she was expecting something harsh from him. He could not exactly pin-point on her reaction, but it wasn't pleasant. Caleb was feeling guilty yet again. He'd overstepped his bounds this time and struck her nerve. He shouldn't have included her parents in this.

Another lecture without Olivia. He figured she might be crying over how he verbally abused her. Mason and Sia were also concerned about her sudden disappearance, but they remained silent until the school day was over.

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