Chapter 35

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Olivia was able to better understand her past situation after researching Dominic Valentino, but she still couldn't fathom how the hell Jason had gotten himself into such a situation.

No one knew how her twin got into an accident other than him. Olivia needed to clear her head, so she went for a long jog.

While jogging, Olivia suddenly remembered something. She recalled the story that Tom told her, how Jason remembered everything from his past and how his last words were Olivia and Dominic.

So, somewhere along the line, Dominic had to be related to this whole fiasco. Olivia was exhausted, both physically and mentally. While returning to her temporary home, she passed through her own home and decided to spend some time there. Instead of going into her room, she went into Jason's.

It's been ages since she came in there. She was going through his belongings when she found a journal underneath his bed.

She never knew that Jason kept a journal. Her mother gave both of them diaries when they were kids so that if they had anything on their minds that they didn't want to share with anyone, they could write it down in this diary.

After a bit of thinking, she opened his journal. There were lots of things written in it, and Olivia was not comfortable reading everything in it as it was her twin's personal journal. So she flipped the pages until the end, where a particular page caught her mind.

It was written about that devious man, Dominic. She was shaking when she read it, and now she was easily able to make a connection between everything, except for the reason why Dominic had destroyed her family.

She had immense hatred build in for Dominic. He was the reason why she lost her family. He was the reason behind her brother's condition.

Olivia was crying because of the truth she had learned. At home, Caleb and his family were worried sick about Olivia. None of them were able to find her in the house.

Caleb was pacing around, calling every friend he could think of to find out where Olivia was. Then the doorbell rang. He ran towards the door, only to find Olivia standing there. She looked tired, and her eyes were puffy.

Caleb was so tense that he engulfed her.

"Goddammit, Olivia, where the hell you went? We all were worried sick about you."

"I went for a jog." She mumbled.

Eliana and William rushed towards her to find any damage that might have happened to her.

"Olivia, have you been crying?" Worried, Eliana asked her.

"I went to my home." These five words were enough to make them understand the reason behind Olivia's late arrival and her blotchy face.

"Oh, honey!" Eliana gave her goddaughter a side hug.

After that, Olivia locked herself in Jason' room.

There was something off about Olivia. It didn't take long for Caleb to notice that. She was quieter than usual. He could not blame her as she had just found her long-lost brother, but he could sense that there was something that she was hiding or that was eating her up.

The whole day, no one disturbed her. They knew that she needed some time, and they were ready to give her all the time in the world.

The next day it was school. Olivia didn't want to go, but she knew she had to. She didn't want to talk to Caleb or anyone else. She just wanted the school to end quickly so that she could begin tracking Dominic.

She wanted to meet him and find an answer to her questions. Her life was almost perfect until the devil ruined it. She managed to find out quite a lot about him by asking Jiggy. Although she had to be discrete about her plan, if Jiggy even had a single doubt, he would stop her and tell Drake, who in return will tell her godparents. She didn't want to risk that, so she managed it by asking her hacker friend about Dominic.

Luckily, the entire day passed quickly, and she managed to avoid all her friends, especially Caleb, who had made it his duty to follow her everywhere. As much as Olivia wished to tell him about Dominic, she couldn't. She knew Caleb would do everything in his power to stop her.

The whole day, Olivia was tense as people kept asking her about Jason. Her hometown is small, so news travelled fast, but luckily, she was able to get through it. Even Jenna didn't dare to talk to her, and if she did, she would have surely broken her face.

Olivia was becoming concerned, so she considered skipping the last lecture and going home, but the principal's announcement stopped her. The school principal wanted every student to gather in the assembly hall.

Olivia gave a loud groan but nonetheless followed his command. But her groan got louder when Sia hooked her arm with her best friend and dragged her to stand with their group.

"Finally! When the hell are you going to stop playing your hide and seek game?" Caleb hissed at her.

"Till the time, you would get tired of finding me." She replied.

"That's never going to happen, babe." He smirked and kept his arm on her shoulder.

Olivia was astonished when he called her babe but still managed to remove his hand from her shoulder, and Caleb was surprised himself calling her that. Before Olivia could confide in him, she saw the man, which caused a sharp intake of her breath.

Dominic was standing there all in his glory. Principal Rodrick somehow got into contact with Valentino so that he could address the school kids about his achievements and inspire them.

During Dominic's speech, every single student was gushing about him, but Olivia was enraged. Even Caleb was into the devil's speech to notice Olivia gone from the assembly.

Olivia was sitting in the car and waiting for Dominic to leave the school department so she could follow him and corner him to get answers.

After the speech, Caleb noticed Olivia wasn't around. He figured Olivia might have gone home, so after a while, he also left, along with Mason, Sia, Zack, and Stella. They all wanted to meet Jason again and spend some time with him.

When they all reached home, they didn't find Olivia there. But he thought she might have gone to meet Cameron or might be in the library. All of them decided to give her space, so they were going to do as they had decided previously.

But with every minute, Caleb was getting anxious as Olivia was not home yet. It was eight at night, and there were only four likely places where Olivia could be. So he first decided to check the library where he couldn't find her. Then he went to her house and even to a park. Still, there was no sign of her. Finally, he called Madison to know if Olivia was playing with Cameron, but she wasn't even there.

Caleb dashed home in the hopes of finding his Olivia safe and sound.

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