Chapter 25

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"Thank God! I found you here." Ryan tells her as he approaches her and embraces her in a hug.

"Ryan, what are you doing here?" She asked him.

"Well, there was this workshop..." But Olivia cut him off.

"Stop with the bullshit. We both know how much you despise this type of workshop."

"One of your neighbours told me you moved here; I tried calling you several times. But you didn't pick up, so I had no choice but to sign up for this stupid workshop." He justified himself.

Jenna abruptly spoke, capturing the attention of the entire cafeteria.

"Hello, guys. So, you see, we have the winners of the interschool band competition 'The Fire and Ice.' We let them leave our school grounds without performing for us, which is unacceptable. So Ryan, Xavier, and Brad will you please perform for us?"

"Um, sure." He replied. Musical instruments were set up in preparation for their performance.

Even the teachers and principal were present for their live performance, as were several other students.

Ryan snatched Olivia's hand and dragged her to the stage with him.

"Ryan, what are you doing?" He drew a hiss from her.

"Olivia, I want to sing this song with you. You know, when I first came here, everyone was gushing about how well you sing. Back then, whenever we listened to music, you would hum but never sing." He informed her.

Olivia remained silent.

"Come on, Olivia. For old time's sake." Ryan handed her a microphone, which she accepted hesitantly.

Xavier and Brad gave her a supportive look. She stood in the corner of the stage, debating whether or not to sing with him.

Everyone was perplexed as to how Olivia knew Ryan and his bandmates, let alone Ryan approaching her and asking her to sing with him.

Nonetheless, the show begins. The music was fast and upbeat, and the song was jazzy.


Come to Me

Join me

Hold my hand

And dance with me

Olivia slowly took steps to join Ryan in the middle of the stage, which made him elated.


Drag me with you

Push me into trying something new

Bring me back

Make me love myself till the end


No questions asked

No judgments passed

You made me feel again

You woke me up

And made the reality beautiful again

Hold my hand, join me

And let's begin the crazy dance

Fill this insane world

With our not so crazy plans


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