Chapter 32

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Olivia had been acting strangely since she returned from the hospital. When she told them about her coffee incident, the Knights' family became concerned, but when she assured them that she was fine, they relaxed.

Olivia was quiet and lost in her thoughts throughout the ride, which Caleb noticed. In fact, the next day, while going back to school, Olivia didn't throw any kind of fits to get into Caleb's car. Instead, she was quiet, only answering when she was asked to.

Olivia was hesitant to show her face in class. She had no idea how to tell her friends that Jason was still alive. She wanted to run to them and tell them about him, but she was also afraid to say to them.

She was terrified of never seeing him again.

She feared he would vanish, but it was all a figment of her imagination.

What if they didn't believe her and thought she was insane?

Olivia's emotions were out of control. She wasn't thinking straight. Her sane mind would have told her to go to her godparents and friends right away and tell them about her brother. But her selfish-self convinced her to keep quiet and keep her brother with her. As a result, she kept her lips sealed for the time being.

But with time, Olivia got jumpy. A single ring from her phone made her panic. Her friend's worried expression made her feel guilty. Not to mention keeping this information from Drake and Jiggy. They were her moral support in the absence of Jason.

Three days passed, and Olivia's anxiety grew stronger with each passing day. She wished she could see Jason again, but she couldn't. Even though she kept in touch with Tom and asked him for Jason' status updates on a regular basis, it didn't help to calm her nerves. It wasn't the same as seeing him for herself and then hearing about him from someone else. But she did a good job of keeping the truth about Jason hidden from everyone. But that was about to change; Sia, Mason, Zack, and Stella were all suspicious of Olivia's behavior and were ready to confront her.

"What's wrong, Olivia? You've been acting strangely for the past few days," Mason asked her in concern.

"There is nothing wrong. Everything is just peachy. You guys must be hallucinating. Anyway, I need to go and talk to Drake about Jiggy. Those two fights and I have to be the one to resolve their issues." Olivia chuckled nervously and excused herself.

Olivia's strange behavior was making Caleb guilty. He expected Olivia to forgive him for what he had done, but she didn't. Her actions were enough proof of that. Caleb, as usual, followed Olivia outside the school building and decided to speak with her. Their battering was not healthy.

"Olivia," He called her loudly.

"Why are you following me?" She asked him.

"Aren't you supposed to meet Prof. Drake?" He asked her with raised eyebrows.

"Yea, umm, I yes, I am going" She struggled with her words until he interrupted her.

"I am really sorry, Olivia. I know you are angry with me, but please forgive me." He apologized to her again.

Olivia knew Caleb's apology was genuine, and she had already forgiven him.

"I had forgiven you a long time ago, Caleb." With a small smile, she told him.

"You did? Then why are you behaving so strangely?" He asked her in a dilemma.

"I will be completely honest with you. Some things are going on in my life that I need to sort out."

"Is everything all right? Cameron is fine, right? Do you want me to do anything for you?" Caleb asked her with a worried expression on his face, and Olivia was taken aback by his concern. She was so exhausted and mentally frustrated that she hugged him instead of telling him.

"Caleb, everything is fine, and Cameron is fine. However, I appreciate your concern." She said this while hugging him, though her words were mumbled because her face was buried in his chest.

"Olivia, is everything really fine?" Caleb asked her, grabbing her face with both of his hands.

"It's been a while since I have seen people's concerns." She attempted to avoid the subject, but she did not lie about her statement.

"You didn't answer my question, Olivia." Her face was still in his hands.

Olivia was debating whether or not she should tell him about her encounter with Jason. Her phone rang before she could respond.

It was Tom.

Olivia instantly panicked. It was always her who called him and, if he called, then there might be some emergency. Maybe Jason woke up.

She immediately picked up her phone.


"Olivia, you need to come to the hospital. Jason has had a relapse....." The rest of the words on the other end of the phone were foreign to her.

She jerked back, but Caleb was right there to grab her. She regained consciousness after a few seconds.

"Caleb, I need your car." In a panic, she asked him.

"Olivia... what..."

"Please... it's a matter of life and death. I am in desperate need of it right now." Caleb sensed her urgency and handed her his keys.

She dashed over to his car and sat in the driver's seat, but not before he joined her in the passenger's seat.


"Olivia, don't. I am not going to let you go alone." He said to her in a stern voice.

She drove away with a curt nod. Caleb recognized the familiar path. It was the same route to Carson's house. However, Olivia was driving past the speed limit, and Caleb could not make her slow down.

After an hour and half drive, she stopped in front of the hospital. It was bizarre for him even to think how she could cover three hours' distance in ninety minutes. Olivia was the first to enter the hospital, followed by Caleb. They arrived in front of a private room after a lot of running.

Olivia was trembling and sweating profusely. She rushed towards Tom when she saw him in front of her brother's room and was relieved when he told her that Jason was fine and that they were able to bring her brother back. She went inside and rushed towards her brother after hearing the news. Her eyes were welling up with tears. Caleb was clearly confused by the situation. He couldn't figure out why Olivia was crying over this unknown guy in front of him, but his thoughts were answered when he heard a familiar voice whisper the word behind him.


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