Chapter 36

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Olivia was following Dominic in her car. An hour passed, but still, his car didn't stop. She was being as discrete as possible. Olivia was desperate for answers, and she wanted to catch him red-handed.

Olivia wanted revenge; she knew she was impulsive, but she wasn't thinking straight. She should have formed a plan or something, but she was going through her gut feelings. Even if she could not get any revenge on him, it would be fine as long as he gave her answers.

Dominic is a dangerous man to deal with, and she knows that by now. After following him around for ninety minutes, she landed herself in a quiet alley. It was the same area that was a shortcut to Knight's home. The very same area she took when she was returning to her temporary home when she visited her brother, Cameron.

But the strange thing was, his alley was not ninety minutes away from school. It was hardly half an hour away, yet Dominic's car took so long to reach.

Olivia felt uneasy in the pit of her stomach, but she'd come too far to back down now, and who knew when she'd be able to catch Dominic again. So she decided to take the chance and corner him until she got all the answers.

So, Olivia got out of the car when Dominic entered an old building. She quietly followed his steps and went inside the same building, which seemed like it was haunted. As soon as she stepped in, she felt someone closing her mouth with a napkin, which made her drift off to sleep within a matter of a few seconds.

Caleb was worried in his house, while Olivia was in a dreamless slumber. When he reached home, he was hoping to find Olivia there and give her a good scolding for disappearing without letting him know. However, all his hopes were crushed when he found his friends and family with a concerned eye.

All of them were tensed up, so he thought of calling Drake to ask if Olivia was with him, but even Drake was astonished to know that Olivia was nowhere. So, he and Jiggy immediately rushed there.

After everyone was sitting on the couch, Drake finally asked, "When was the last time you saw Olivia?"

"She was standing beside me when Dominic Anderson was giving a speech," Caleb answered truthfully.

"Dominic Anderson!" Carson and Jiggy both said it in unison, with a flabbergasted look.

"What the hell was Dominic doing in your school?" Carson asked him in a panic.

"He was there to give a speech about his achievements and all."

"He didn't hurt you, did he?" Carson asked his brother in a panic.

"What is going on here? Why the hell are we talking about that businessman instead of finding Olivia? And why would he hurt Caleb?" William asked them furiously.

"Because it might have got everything to do with Olivia," Jiggy said.

"Wha... What makes you say that?" This time, it was Claudia.

"Yesterday, Olivia was trying to find some information on Dominic. He is not the guy that he seems to be. He is a very dangerous man. I knew something was fishy when Olivia asked me, so I did my own research, and let's say what I found was not good." Jiggy told them.

"What do you mean? Please don't tell me Olivia went behind him." Carson asked him in a panic.

"It is a possibility."

"It's all my fault. I should have never told Olivia about Dominic." Carson took a step forward and threw a punch at the wall.

"Carson!" Claudia exclaimed and rushed towards him.

"Carson, it's not your fault. Even if you hadn't told her, she would have followed him when they met in the assembly, or he would have taken her himself." Jiggy told him.

"You have no clue what you are talking about, Jiggy. You don't know how I am acquainted with that man." Carson gritted his teeth.

"I very well know. I am a hacker, and that too a good one. When I say I did the research myself, that means I learned every goddamn thing about him, which also includes you in the picture."

"What the hell are you both talking about, and how is my brother related to him?" Caleb asked Jiggy in frustration. Nothing made sense to him, and anyone present there except for his brother and Jiggy.

Carson finally decided to break the silence and tell everyone the whole truth about his past with Dominic.

After the entire story, Carson's head was in both of his hands.

"Carson, it's really not your fault. Dominic would have found Olivia with or without you in the picture." Jiggy tried to reassure him. But no one knew how Olivia and Dominic were related, so they were all confused.

"Dominic is Olivia's uncle." He finally revealed the truth.

"What the hell are you talking about? I know Matt's brother. His name is Dominic Valentino, not Anderson, and their faces are not identical." William finally spoke. He was not able to believe what he was hearing.

"All due respect, William, there are things you don't know about Olivia's dad. He himself didn't know about it." Jiggy told him.

"Please be clear, Jiggy."

"Dominic Anderson's actual name is Dominic Valentino, who is Olivia's uncle, Matt's stepbrother. His dad hid this fact from him. He never wanted Matt or anyone to know that Dominic was his unwanted child who was born before he married Matt's mother. I don't know the full story, but what I know is that Dominic is the one behind Jason, Matt, and Kelly's conditions, and Olivia might have figured it out. So, the first chance she got, she might have followed him to get the answers."

"This is ridiculous," William exclaimed.

"But it's the truth."

"We need to go to the police," Caleb told them.

"We cannot go to the police. They won't help you. Dominic has most of them in his pocket, and it's difficult to know who is trustworthy." Carson told him dejectedly.

"I do know a few of them who are not puppets of Dominic. But they won't be much of a help as, without proof, they won't be able to do anything." Jiggy told them.

"We sure as hell cannot sit here doing nothing," Caleb spoke loudly, standing up from his seat.

"There is one thing we can do," Zack said.

"What?" Caleb asked him. Everyone was curiously looking at him.

"If anyhow we can track Olivia down and discreetly go there and record everything, we will have enough proof to catch Dominic."

"Tracking Olivia down with a recorder won't be a problem. Leave that to me. But who will go there?"

"I am going," Caleb told everyone.

Drake was about to oppose it, but William beat him to it.

"No one is going anywhere. No one is risking their life anymore. Police will handle things."

"No, dad. I am going. We all know those people won't be handling until we give them proof. And we are forgetting we cannot file missing person case until twenty-four hours have passed, and I am not going to wait for that long." With that, Caleb stormed from the room and went outside.

He was about to scream in frustration but stopped when a jacket landed on him.

"Jiggy already tracked Olivia down. Here's the recorder. We should go and get our Olivia back." Carson told him.

"You are coming with me?" He asked in confusion.

"Well, I can't let my brother's life be in danger now, can I?"

Caleb gave him a grateful smile, and both of them left to bring Olivia back.

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