Chapter 38

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Caleb was sitting in a chair beside Olivia, where she was sleeping peacefully in a hospital bed.

So much has happened in the last few hours that it was difficult to take it all in at once.

When Livy shot herself, not only Caleb and Carson but even Dominic was shocked by her action. But luck was on their side. Just like in movies, the police choose a perfect time to show up with Jiggy and William.

While police officers arrested Dominic and his troop, others rushed Olivia to the hospital, and immediately, William made it his own duty to treat Olivia.

Both the brothers were shocked to learn that Jason had finally gained consciousness from coma during the operation. But unfortunately, his condition was still weak, so he couldn't come to the hospital.

It's difficult to imagine Jason' situation. Instead of being surrounded by his family, he was awake only to find his sister missing, let alone in a case where she was herself in the middle of a situation of life and death.

Fortunately, doctors were able to remove the three bullets, but she had lost too much blood. The chance of her waking up was not slim, but it wasn't good as well.

It's all up to her if she wants to wake up or not.

Everyone was worried sick about Olivia in hospital; here she was in her own dream world. Everything was white. She was walking straight, only to find two happy figures standing in front of her. She rushed towards them and hugged them tightly.

"Mom, Dad, I miss you so much." She was sobbing in their arms.

"We miss you too, Livy." Her dad squeezed her shoulder.

"We are so sorry, Olivia. We couldn't be the best parents that you, Jason, and Cameron wanted us to be." Her mother spoke to her softly.

"No, you are always going to be the best parents for us. But mom, how can I see you? I remember getting shot... Am I dead?" She asked them in confusion.

"Only if you want to be. It's your decision to make." Her mother stated.

"What do you mean?" Olivia asked them with a frown on her face.

"Livy, at present, you are neither dead nor alive. Even if you choose to die, you will be with us. However, if you choose to live, you will return to the Knight's family, your friends, Jason, and Cameron." Her dad told her.

"Jason... mom-dad, will he survive? He is in coma."

"You have to find that out, sweetie." Kelly, her mother, patted her daughter's head.

"What should I do?" she asked her parents in confusion.

"Olivia, it's completely your decision. We cannot answer that for you. Either way, we will support you. But remember that it will be hard for you to recover if you decide to stay alive because of the way we both treated you. Your uncle treated you. So, it's completely in your hands. What do you want?"

Olivia was thinking hard. If she stayed alive, she might have her life back to normal. Maybe it will take time, but it will definitely get back to normal. And what if Jason woke up, not only to find his parents dead, but also his sister? And she would never want Cameron to be deprived of her sister's love. Then there was the Knight's family, who had worked tirelessly to keep her safe while also unconditionally loving her. Not to forget her friends, she cannot put them in the same situation again, worst by dying. She didn't even get to say goodbye to them.

"I think I know what I want to do." She said with a teary smile.

"We knew that you would choose the right path." Her mom hugged her.

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