Chapter 34

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Olivia was running in the middle of the road, trying to catch someone. She was running as fast as she could to find someone. It was dark, and no vehicles were driving around. Only the street lamps were lit. After running for a few minutes, she finally found the shadow. She ran towards it and immediately held the person's hand, too scared to let him go. It was Jason. She hugged him, but slowly, he was backing away from her. Jason was leaving her hand with a sad smile on his face. The scene changed when he let go of her hand. It was Jason and her but on the bridge. She was shouting for him to come back, but he was walking backward and, suddenly, a vehicle from nowhere came up and hit him, causing him to fall off the bridge into the water. Olivia immediately ran towards the edge and was about to jump herself, but she felt someone holding her back. She kept on shouting again and again, but the person did not let her go. But she pushed herself harder and finally jumped from the bridge to save her brother.

And immediately, the scene changed with Jason lying peacefully on the hospital bed with Olivia, who was apparently awake, and all her friends surrounding her and learned that Caleb was the one who called 911 before jumping off the pull to save her and her twin.

Caleb felt Olivia's grip on his stomach tighten in the middle of the night. He was worried that Livy would have another nightmare, but after a few seconds, she calmed down and snuggled closer to him.

*At home*

Olivia was sitting in Jason' room with him beside her, lying down. Stella and Zack had just left after spending some time with Jason. Even Drake, Jiggy, Mason, and Sia visited.

Olivia was looking at Jason and was remembering all the past memories she had with him. It felt like yesterday when they were fighting and laughing with each other, but at the same time, it felt like ages since she had spent some time with her brother. She wanted to do nothing but talk to him like she used to before.

Olivia's train of thought was interrupted when Caleb knocked on the door.

"Hey, I bought you food." He stated.

"I am not hungry." She mumbled.

"Livy, you haven't eaten anything since yesterday. Mom and dad are worried about you. At least, have a bite." Caleb told her clearly, showing concern for her health. He went towards her and gave her some noodles to snack on.

"You know Caleb, when we were in seventh, our school canteen was serving noodles for lunch. Jason, like usual, was poking me. I got so annoyed that I threw noodles on his face, and in return, when he tried to do the same, it landed on Mason and so on. The whole food fight took place. So all of us got detention and had to clean the whole canteen." Olivia began chuckling at this memory.

"You guys might have had a hell of a time." He gave a sad smile.

"Yes, we did. Thank you, Caleb, for everything." Olivia had tears in her eyes, which made Caleb sit in front of her.

"Olivia, you have nothing to thank me for. You will always have me standing with you. And don't forget Stella, Zack, Mason, Sia, Drake, and Jiggy." Caleb wiped her tears from her cheeks and embraced her.

"And even your godparents are there with you." Eliana and William came from behind and joined their kids in a hug.

"Not to forget us." Carson and Claudia also joined them.

Olivia was overwhelmed by the love and, for the first time, she felt happy, despite her brother's coma. But she knew she had all the support she needs.

But as said, nothing lasts forever.

After lots of persistence from Knight's family, Olivia decided to join them in the living room to spend some time with them. But, unfortunately, staying beside Jason, twenty-four by seven, was not very healthy.

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