Chapter 39

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Caleb opened his eyes, only to find Olivia sleeping peacefully beside him, her head on his chest and one of her hands holding his stomach. He gently removed a few strands of her hair that were falling into her eyes.

There had always been something about her that had attracted him. He still can't believe that Olivia went through so much in the past.

At present, Caleb wanted to do nothing but help Olivia in every way he could. His thoughts were interrupted when his dad came into the room and signaled him to come downstairs. Reluctantly, he followed his father's commands and found his parents sitting in the dining room.

"Morning, mom and dad."

"Morning, Caleb. How did you and Olivia sleep?" His mother gently asked him.

"Slept just fine. Olivia squirmed a little in the middle of the night, but everything was fine." He gave a long sigh.

"Caleb, give it some time. Everything will return to normal." His dad tried to reassure him, but he cut him off.

"Will it, dad? You don't know what it was like to see Olivia shoot herself to save Carson and me. She didn't even think twice. What would have happened if she didn't make it alive? What difference does it make now? She is alive, yet she has isolated herself from everyone." Caleb had his hands on his head.

"We know that, son. But she is progressing. You won't believe me, but it's the truth. Caleb, she is responding to you. You were the only one to calm her down when she was having a nightmare. At present, she needs you more than anything." William was rubbing Caleb's back to calm him down.

"You know, Caleb, when you and Olivia were kids, you two always used to fight with each other, but at the same time, you couldn't live without each other." His mother was smiling, reminiscing about their childhood.

"What do you mean?" He asked his mother.

"Well, you and Olivia used to be playmates when you were both kids. Those are the initial four years of your life. You both used to fight a lot, but at the same time, you couldn't do without each other. I remember the time when both of you were playing in the garden. You pulled her ponytail to annoy her so that you could sit on the swing, but Olivia got so furious that she hit you, but you never cared and started pulling her pony again and again to annoy her. But when another boy did the same thing, only a bit harder, you pushed him to the ground and furiously shouted at him that only you had the right to pull her ponytail and play with her. Not only that, when Olivia started crying because of another kid, you offered her to sit with you on the swing. Olivia was still crying because her head was hurting a bit, so to make it better, you kissed her. And when she asked you why you did that, you know what you told her?"

Caleb tilts his head sideways and looks at his mother with interest.

"You told her that, 'when my mommy cries, my daddy kisses her to make the pain go away.' You even said you'd be there for her. "

"My first kiss was with Olivia." Caleb blurted out with a small smile on his face. When his mom told her, he thought kiss on the cheeks.

"Yes, you two were adorable back then. But then she shifted. Even though we used to visit, you guys drifted apart and eventually lost touch. I still have the pictures; I will give them to you in some time."

This additional information shocked Caleb.

"Caleb, are you sure you are ready to take care of Olivia? It's a big responsibility. And it will take lots of time and patience." With a worried expression on his face, his father asked.

"Of course, dad. I promise you that I will get the old Olivia back. I can't just not do anything and let her suffer. I lov...... I love her," he whispered the last two words when the realization hit him.

"You do, don't you?" William asked him with a grin.

"Yes, I do." He gave them a faint smile.

Eliana was so happy about the new revelation of Caleb's feelings that she got up and gave him a tight hug.

"Caleb, you do realize that you would need to start going to school from Monday."

"Yes, dad and I plan on taking Olivia with me." He told his dad.

"It will be too soon for her, Caleb." Being a doctor, William knows that this kind of situation needs time to heal.

"I know that, but I also know Olivia. She needs a push. In the past few months, I have learned quite a lot about her, so I know what I am doing." he told them confidently.

"Caleb, please don't push her too far." His mom told her anxiously.

"Don't worry, mom, there are three days left for Monday to come, and by then, Olivia will be well enough to go back to school."

With that, Caleb went upstairs to be with her, only to find her sitting on the bed, blankly staring at the wall.

"Morning, Olivia." He greeted her happily. At least he tried to be, but he got no response from her.

"So, as we are ditching school, why don't we do something fun? Do you want me to call our gang? They are dying to meet you, not to forget Jason. He is missing you." Still, he got no response from her.

"Okay, then how about a movie? You pick. For you, I will even watch a chick flick." Still no response from her.

"Look, kids, I got you both breakfast." Eliana came into the room with a tray filled with delicious food.

Olivia, on the other hand, made no sign of eating anything.

"Olivia, honey, you need to eat food to keep yourself healthy," Eliana said to her, rubbing her god-daughter's hair.

"But I don't want to," Olivia whispered.

"Olivia, please eat something for us if not for you." Eliana's pleas forced Olivia to feast a little on the food.

With a teary smile, she left the room.

Caleb and Olivia were both eating quietly. Caleb himself was lost in his own thoughts until he heard small sniffs from Olivia. She was crying silently, so he moved the tray and scooted closer to her.

He took her face in his hands and wiped away the tears, which only made her cry more. Caleb had no other way to stop Olivia, so he did what he could. Then he hugged her.

"Olivia, you need to try to fight your demons. You need to try and live your life like before. We are all here for you and will never leave you. Your parents would want you to be happy." The word 'parents' made Olivia tighten her hold of Caleb's t-shirt.

"I saw them." She murmured softly.

"What?" He gently took hold of her shoulder to see her face.

"In the hospital, before I woke up, I saw them. They hugged me and told me that they loved me and they are proud of me. Why did they have to leave me, Caleb? Nothing will be normal like before. I lost everyone I love."

"No, you didn't. You have me, mom, dad, Carson, Claudia, their soon-to-be-born child, Stella, and the list goes on. And not to forget that you have got your brother back, and you also have Cameron, who loves you immensely." Caleb gave a small smile to Olivia, trying to break the big shell she made for herself.

"I am not ready to face him." She told in her small voice, looking down.

"Then don't, but in a while, you will have to. Jason calls me every few hours to check on you."+

"He does?" She choked.


"I miss mom and dad."

"Olivia, they are with you, maybe not physically, but they are there, somewhere, watching over you, and they would hate to see you like this."

"I don't want to be like this." She fixed her gaze on him.

"Then don't. We will figure something out, and we will start by getting you out of this room." Caleb had a big smile on his face because of the recent improvement in Olivia's condition. His smile even grew bigger when Livy managed to give a small, unsure smile.

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