chapter 43

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It was the day before the New Year, and the Knights were hard at work preparing for the New Year's Eve party. After a few hours of work, they decided to take a break. While everyone was sitting on the couch munching on snacks, Olivia was sitting on the porch in the garden area, lost in her own thoughts.

"Why are you causing yourself and Caleb pain, Olivia?" Ella came to sit with her.

"What do you mean?" Olivia asked her godmother.

"Look at this picture." Ella showed her the photo of whose story she had told Caleb about.

"Is this..."

"Yes, it's you and Caleb." She narrated the same story to Olivia that she had told her son a few days ago.

"Olivia, this is life. Ups and downs are part and parcel of it, but you shouldn't stop living it because you are scared of taking risks."

"I don't want to burden Caleb with my problems, Ella. Maybe I am not right for him."

"That's Caleb's decision to make, don't you think? Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and you will have all your answers in front of you." Ella gave her a tight hug and left to help Claudia with her baby.

The whole day, Olivia thought about Ella's words. Even the next day, her mind was engrossed, yet she was scared to take a leap of faith.

It was New Year's Eve, and the festivities were in full swing. Everyone was dancing and enjoying themselves around the house. But she couldn't seem to enjoy herself, nor did Caleb.

Caleb was standing in the backyard of his house. Even on this happy occasion, he was unable to hide his sour mood. He wanted nothing but to be with Olivia, yet he didn't want to force himself on her.

The simple reason is that it's not fair for Olivia to suffer because of him. He could always see Livy thinking about her decision, and he didn't want to torture her any longer. So, he decided to talk to her and end her misery along with his. He would tell her that he is fine with the friendship that they have. He didn't even realize that there were only a few seconds left until midnight until he felt someone's soft lips on his own.

He was too shocked to respond initially. But as soon as he came to his senses, he found that it was none other than Olivia, who was in the process of sitting down on both her knees.

"God! Bless your mom for putting some sense into me. I am sorry, Caleb, for making you wait this long. I never thought this day would come where I would actually ask you to be something more than a friend.

Now I know why girls don't do this proposal thing." Olivia chuckled with happy tears, which also made Caleb laugh. To make things easier, he copied Olivia's posture and kneeled down. They were both at eye level.

"That's because it's a guy thing to do."

"Sexist much." She joked, clearly aware that he didn't mean it.

"So, this is old Olivia," Caleb asked her with a small smile on his face and unshed tears in his eyes.

"You can say that." Olivia shrugged in response.

"Olivia, I love you. Will you..." But he was interrupted.

"Don't complete it. I want to ask you." She pouted.

"Only if you allow me to make the marriage proposal."

"You are so sure that you are going to marry me in the future?" She asked him with raised eyebrows.

"Well, how can I break my promise that I made to you when we were kids." He tried to touch his forehead with her, but she pulled back slightly.

"You did hurt me initially when I came here."

"Well, you know my dad always kisses my mom to make the pain go away." He chuckled.

"Well, then, what are you waiting for?"

Caleb happily kissed her, and she responded. It was a promise without words, to be there for each other forever.

Forever and Infinity.

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