Chapter 19

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Olivia has been doing much better in the two weeks since her breakdown. Although she suspected Caleb was aware of it because she wasn't used to his concerned stares.

When Sia and Mason asked why she had abandoned them, she gave the same reason she had given to Caleb.

She kept a good balance between Mason, Sia, Caleb and Stella, and Zack during these two weeks. She wanted to yell at Jenna, but all three of them knew it would be pointless.

Stella was doing better than before.

Today, Olivia wanted to talk to Zack about Caleb. Yesterday, Caleb was again fussing about Zack's cold behaviour. So she went to Zack's locker, and Stella accompanied her.

"Hey Olivia, you want to talk to me about something?" Zack asked her.

"Yes, what's the deal with you and Caleb?" She questioned him.

"I don't know what you are talking about."

"Stop pretending, Zack. Even I know what Olivia is talking about." Stella told him.

"Look, I am sorry. It's just..." He continued after taking a deep breath. "When Caleb arrived, I didn't like him replacing Jason at first. But with time, I realized that he wasn't replacing my best friend. I know it's stupid, and I admit I didn't apologize to him, but I stopped giving him a hard time." He explained.

"But he still thinks you despise him for some unknown reason," Olivia explained after hearing Caleb's side of the story.

"If it makes him feel better, I will just apologize..." Zack was at a loss for words when his gaze was drawn to a particular girl.

Stella poked Zack stomach and teased him, "Gabriella, not bad, Zacky poo."

"It isn't what you think it is." He said it defensively.

"Yaya. We are not dumb. We have both noticed that you have a crush on that little someone over there." Olivia grins.

"I might have a tiny winy crush on her." He confessed.

"Then ask her out, you moron," Stella said.

"I will think about it." Zack scratched his head.

"You won't think about it. But you will do it, and today itself." Olivia told him.

"Whatever. I will pass by your table in the canteen to apologize to Caleb." Zack then left to save himself from further embarrassment.

Olivia and Stella knew him better, so they quickly cornered him and forced him to ask Gabriella out. Zack had always had a crush on Gaby, and it was about time he acted on his feelings.

The break came quickly. Mason, Sia, and Caleb were sitting when Olivia, Zack, and Stella arrived. Olivia had been spending a lot more time with these two, he had noticed.

"Can I speak with you, Caleb?" Caleb did a double-take when Zack asked him. Zack never talked to him unless it had to do with football.

"Sure thing. You can join us if you want." He told him.

Zack and Stella sat next to them.

"Caleb, I am sorry. I mean, I know I haven't been the best person to talk to over the last three years. When you first arrived here, I should not have been so cold to you. It was totally uncalled for." He told him with sincerity.

Caleb knew that his apology was something to do with Olivia.

"It's all right. I simply do not understand why." Caleb asked him, confused.

Zack tried to think of a lie, but Olivia gave him the signal to tell the truth.

"Before you, my best friend was filling your spot. But when he left, I assumed you were taking his place. I know it's ridiculous, but it wasn't the best feeling. He was popular and good at what he did, and you took his place, and the pain of losing my friend was still fresh in my mind, so I took it out on you." He went on to explain.

"Oh, okay-okay. By the way, who's your best friend?" He asked.

"It doesn't matter, Caleb. I was hoping we could put the past behind us and move on?" Zack attempted to avoid answering the question.

"Not a bad idea," Caleb said with a smile on his face.

Both of them did their guy shake, and Zack was about to leave.

"As all unspoken issues have been resolved, I am leaving." He rose from his seat. He had a sneaking suspicion that Olivia and Stella were up to something.

"Not so fast, mister. There is still unfinished business." Olivia stated.

"I am not sure if there's anything else I need to finish." Zack pretended to be innocent, causing Stella and Olivia to fold their hands and raise their eyebrows.

Sia asked them, confused, and Mason nodded, confused as well. "What is the unfinished business? Zack apologized to Caleb."

"Exactly." Zack said, acknowledging Sia words.

Stella gave him a smack for it.

"Ouch! Stella, seriously?" Zack groaned in pain.

"Zack, be a man and ask her," Olivia said.

"I am not asking anyone anything. And I don't even know what you two are talking about." Which earned him another smack on the head, this time from both girls.

"Ouch... God, will you two stop being violent." He shouted.

Stella told him, "Not until you ask her out."

"I am not going to ask her. It's only a crush that will pass. I don't love her or want to be with her."

"Oh, so it was me who was gushing about Gaby's cuteness that summer," Olivia smirked.

"Let it be Livy. If he doesn't like her, that's fine. Trevor had mentioned that he wanted to ask Gaby out on a date." Stella alerted them.

"No, he can't ask her out." Zack was annoyed.

"Why?" Olivia raised her eyebrows.

"That's because I am. This is not fair. I have liked her for four years, and then that captain comes along and steals her away from me. This is not going to happen." With that, he dashed at Gaby's table. He grabbed her hand, pulled her up, and kissed her in front of everyone.

"Leave it to Zack to do something like that." Stella burst out laughing.

"It's a miracle he didn't get slapped by Gaby." Olivia said.

"Well, based on the blush on her cheek, it appears that she likes him back," Mason said this time.

"They'd make a cute couple," Sia said.

"Oh yes, they would." Caleb agreed.

Olivia and Stella both squealed and hugged each other after a few seconds of pushing Zack to act on his feelings.

Olivia had no idea Caleb found her amusing when she was hitting Zack the entire time. Everything was new to him. On the other hand, Sia and Mason were relieved to see that some of their old Livy had returned. It was obvious to both of them that it was because of Zack and Stella. They had more of Jason with them than they had ever. They too miss Jason because they all had a good time back then.

There were times when all six of them used to hang out. Despite the fact that Jason was not their best friend, they shared many happy memories with him, as did Zack and Stella. They didn't know when Olivia became friends with Zack and Stella, but it could have happened over the summer while Mason and Sia were both away. It was before the incident occurred, and Olivia's life was forever altered.

Nobody knows whether it's for the better or for the worse.

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