Chapter 23

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Olivia got up in the morning, dressed, and went downstairs for breakfast. Eliana was preparing a morning snack while William sat at the dining table reading the newspaper.

"Morning, Eliana and William." She smiled as she greeted them.

"Good morning, sweetie." They both returned her greeting.

"How was yesterday's party? You two returned pretty early." She asked her.

"It was good," Olivia said softly while setting plates on the table. Meanwhile, Caleb came towards them, sitting on a chair.

"It was better than good. Olivia finally made Jenna take a step back and showed her the right place. You know, Jenna challenged her to sing in front of everyone, and Olivia and her band made her mouth shut. Look at the video." Olivia became tense when the video was mentioned.

"Video?" She asked.

"Yes, a few of the students shot your video, and it's gone viral." He informed her. Caleb was ecstatic for an unknown reason.

He was overjoyed.

"This is fantastic, Olivia." Eliana praised her.

"Eliana is correct. You guys are great. You should enter your band in the competition this year, you know." William told her after watching the video.

"They might," Caleb said.

"What do you mean?" Olivia was in a state of panic when she asked him that question.

"Word is that Principle Rodrick wants you to perform instead of Jenna's band 'The Devil and the Angel." He alerted her.

"That's fantastic news," Eliana exclaimed joyfully.

"I don't think so. Principal Rodrick did share his thoughts yesterday, but we don't think we will be able to do it." Olivia told them.

A new voice greeted them before any of them could respond to her.

"Good morning."

Caleb was taken aback by the person standing in front of him while William and Eliana exchanged nervous glances.

"What is he doing here, Mom and Dad?" Caleb questioned them angrily.

"Son, Carson came last night when you were at the party." His dad tried to explain it to him.

"So you simply let him in. How could you let him in after what he had done to us?" Caleb became enraged and yelled at his parents. He was flushed with rage.

"Caleb, this is not the way to talk to your brother," Eliana stated emphatically.

Olivia was surprised to learn that Caleb had a brother. She'd never seen a photograph of him in the house.

"It's okay, Mom and Dad. His outburst of emotion is understandable. Caleb..." Carson reached out to touch his younger brother's shoulder, causing Caleb to flinch.

"Don't even think about touching me. Just leave. You are dead to me." Caleb then went to his room.

Olivia was sitting awkwardly on the chair. William and Eliana were tense and left the room, giving a disappointed look at Carson. Unshaded tears moistened Carson's eyes, and she could see it. He exited the dining room and went to his room.

Olivia was sitting on the stairwell steps after two hours. None of the Knight's members emerged from their quarters. She was lost in her own thoughts when Eliana came and sat beside her.

"I am sorry, Livy. You had to be part of the morning scene." She told her.

"No problem." Olivia was hesitant to ask her any questions.

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