Chapter 37

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Olivia was struggling with the ropes. She was furious after she learned the truth and wanted to get out of this hell hole as soon as possible.

When she regained consciousness, she found herself in a dark, locked room. After a few minutes of yelling and screaming, a few guards and her dearest uncle arrived.

The hatred in his eyes was evident. She could not believe that her very own uncle had destroyed her family. He not only tried to violate Jason for vengeance, but he also successfully killed her parents. The way he spoke about them radiated pure envy and animosity towards them.

Olivia realized somewhere along the way that Dominic was hurt that he was an unwanted child of her grandfather before he was married. But she also knew that her grandfather and grandmother would never love him pretentiously. Olivia's father also loved him all the same and never mistreated him. So Olivia refused to believe that he was not loved.

Olivia tried to tell him that. But in return, she earned a hard slap on her face from him, which definitely caused a bruise on her left cheek. Her hands and legs were already itching due to the sharp pressure from the ropes, which were tied tightly.

She wanted to do nothing but escape from here. She had all the proof she needed. Thank God for high technology and her gadget freak friend, Jiggy.

She had recorded the whole conversation where Dominic told her the truth. She had a small chip hidden in her dress which Jiggy gave her a long time back, and she was glad that she was carrying it with her.

After attempting to unknot the ropes so hard, she finally gave up. She gave a long sigh as she was exhausted. Olivia closed her eyes for a few minutes and was about to drift off to sleep when the door was opened, and two people were pushed towards her.

"What the hell are you two doing here?" Olivia asked them in surprise.

"Olivia, are you okay? We were so worried about you." Caleb asked her, concern clearly written in his eyes. Both his hands and legs were tied to the rope along with Carson's, just like Olivia's were.

They dragged themselves towards her on their knees.

"I am just peachy, but how did you find me?" She told them sarcastically but asked in curiosity.

"Jiggy tracked you down." This time Carson answered.

"And you both thought it would be wise to be my knight in shining armor." Olivia shot daggers at both of them.

"So, what the hell were we supposed to do? Wait till that moron could have killed you." Caleb growled at her.

"Sounds appealing, doesn't it?" She rolled her eyes.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Olivia asked Caleb when he was gazing at her weirdly.

"Is that a bruise on your cheek?" He asked her.

"Umm, no." She mumbled.

"He hit you," Carson whispered.

"Carson, it's not your fault. You might not know, but Dominic is my..."

Caleb responded, "Uncle."

"We know everything about it. Jiggy informed us."

"I should have known." She rolled her eyes again.

"Bring your face here," Caleb told her.

"What?" She asked in confusion.

"Don't you understand English? I asked you to bring your face closer to mine." He told her again.

"What are you going to do? Look, I already have one bruised cheek which is hurting like a bitch and not to forget my hand and legs..." But she stopped when Caleb kissed her bruised cheek.

"What was that for?" She was stunned.

"Kids, you know this is not a nice place to confess your love, so please keep it PG." Carson finally spoke up, causing Olivia to blush.

Caleb was going to retort but was silenced by the voice of an unknown person.

"Such a lovely reunion."

"Get lost, Dominic," Carson yelled.

"You! How dare you hurt my brother and Olivia? You are going to pay for it." Caleb shouted at him.

"You, like your brother, will fit right in with our group." Dominic was smirking. He was enjoying the scene of getting those three riled up.

"Leave my brother alone, Dominic."

"Now, should I? He is just like you, Carson. Tough, fierce. But I know that you are better. I will give you an option. Join my troop again, and I will let your brother leave this place alive, in one piece."

"He would never do that," Caleb answered on behalf of his brother.

"Dominic, you have got me. Let Carson and Caleb go." Olivia spoke to her uncle softly. She was tired and didn't want the Knight's brother to be caught in her mess.

"We are not leaving without you, Olivia," Caleb told her.

Caleb was frustrated that both Olivia and his brother were endangering their lives. He loved both of them too much to leave them here to die.

"You guys are pissing me off by showing so much love towards each other. I despise being in the presence of loving people. It infuriates me. You know I was initially going to let that innocent boy leave, but I changed my mind."

"What do you mean?" Carson stuttered.

Olivia had never seen Carson so scared.

Dominic freed all three of them completely. But before they could run, all the guards surrounded them in a circle.

Caleb and Carson tried to hit them, but the guards had both of them tightly gripped. Dominic came towards Olivia and gave her a fully loaded gun.

"Now, Olivia, if you tried to shoot me with it, my men would shoot all three of you, and trust me, burying your body underground would not be a pretty sight."

"What sick game are you trying to play here, Dominic?" Carson roared at him.

"Well, I am just trying to substitute love. At the end of the game, you will all despise not only each other but also your own selves."

Caleb and Carson were trying to free themselves, but their efforts were going in vain.

"So now, here only two of you will be able to leave. It could be either Caleb or Carson, whoever Olivia chooses. So, Olivia picks your guy and shoots the other one." Dominic told her with a huge smile, which made her feel sick.

"Why are you doing this, Dominic?" She asked, clearly tired of the situation.

"You know that no one loved me, and I can't stand to see other people loving each other. Call me crazy, but it's the bitter truth. You will never forgive yourself for killing either one of them. Either of the brothers you choose to save from death is forever going to hate you for killing the other brother and going to hate own self for not saving the other one. It's a win-win situation for me. So, it is your choice, Olivia. I don't have the whole day."

"Olivia, shoot me; you and Caleb have a whole life to live for," Carson told her.

"Shut up, Carson. You have Claudia and your unborn children to think about, not to mention our mother and father. All your life, you have been protecting me, and now it's my chance. Olivia, just shoot me. I will never hate you." Caleb said.

Olivia had tears in her eyes. It was heartbreaking to see Carson and Caleb willing to die for the sake of others.

"Olivia, you better shoot now, or I will decide to do that job," Dominic warned her.

Olivia raised her hands slowly, pointing the guns at the centre of both of them. She could clearly see the fear in their eyes.

"Only two can live, right?" She asked Dominic, her voice shaking.

"Yes, Olivia."

Olivia lets out a long sigh.

Before anyone could comprehend her action, before Caleb could shout and stop Olivia from doing the deed, within a few seconds, Olivia shot herself on the side of her stomach with three bullets back to back.

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