Chapter 18

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Caleb was watching television when Olivia arrived home from school. He stopped her as she was about to go upstairs.

"How is Stella doing now?" He questioned her, but out of curiosity.

Olivia was well aware of what he was actually trying to do. He was looking for information about Stella so he could give her a few words for ditching his best friends. Although their bonding has grown over the last month, it is still far from friendship.

"She is all right now." She stated this.

"What happened to her?" He asked her further.

"Jenna just said something to her. Nothing to be concerned about." She explained it to him calmly.

He was about to ask another question when Olivia lost her cool and snapped at him. "Caleb, just stop. Okay! I know what you are trying to do. I am sorry that I had to ditch you guys, but I will do it again if Stella or Zack needs me."

"Is everything okay here?" Eliana arrived.

"Yes, Eliana. Caleb was just wondering why I was late." Olivia lied to her.

"Oh, okay. Well, anyway, I was here to let you know that dinner is ready," Eliana said.

"Eliana, I am not hungry; could you please let me go to my room? I am really tired." Olivia asked her desperately.

Eliana could see that her goddaughter was exhausted, but her motherly instinct told her that it was more of a mental exhaustion than physical exhaustion, so she nodded. Caleb could see the mother debating something in her head as she set the table for dinner. His father was late because of a medical emergency at the hospital. Eliana left the table and went upstairs after a few minutes. It had been nearly thirty minutes since her mother had left, so he went to Livy's room on instinct.

He saw Olivia sobbing and clutching Eliana from the half-open gate as if her life depended on it. He'd never seen her so miserable. When he saw the scene in front of her, his heart was shattered into a million pieces. He wanted to rush up to her, hold her, and comfort her. But he was aware that Olivia required his mother more than him. He wasn't even her friend, to begin with. But he was the source of her tears. Maybe not today. But yes, somewhere along the way, he is to be blamed.

Along the way, he realized it was connected to Zack and Stella and the fact that Mason and Sia might have a glimmer of an idea about the pain that was causing her to break down. Olivia was tired of everything and relieved to have Eliana hold on to because she was missing her mother's hugs. Olivia told Eliana about Stella's breakdown as a result of Jason, and Caleb's mother immediately hugged her. It was as if she knew she would just lose all her barriers around herself for today.

For today, Olivia decided to use Eliana as a replacement for her mother, who could hold her while she drowned herself in her sorrows. She will forget about everything and rely on this comfort. Olivia finally calmed down after an hour and thanked Eliana for being there for her. Eliana was hesitant to leave Olivia, but she knew this sweet little broken girl needed some space. When she was sure Olivia would be fine on her own, she exited her room, but not before kissing her on the forehead.

Olivia knew that she needed an escape, and nothing beats a good night's sleep. So, as usual, she popped a sleeping pill into her mouth and drifted off to sleep.

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