Chapter 30

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Olivia walked to school the next day instead of driving. But she shrieked when Caleb's car came to a halt next to her, honking loudly.

"What the hell, Caleb? Giving me a heart attack and making me deaf is not going to kill me." She shouted at him with one hand on her heart.

"Get in the car, Olivia, and stop making morbid jokes." He told her.

"Thank you, but I am fine." She was ready to take a step forward when he made a threat.

"If you don't get in the car, then I will myself force you to get in."

"Oh my god, I am so scared." She rolled her eyes.

To prove his point, Caleb got out of the car and went towards Olivia. He shoved her into the passenger seat after picking her upon his shoulder. Then, he slid into the driver's seat, but not before fastening her seatbelt. He even locked the car so Olivia wouldn't be able to get out.

"This is not going to make us buddies." She glared at him.

"Oh, Olivia, trust me. It will." He gave her a friendly smile.

She got out of the car when they arrived at school, but not before slamming the door shut. On the other hand, Caleb chuckled and declared loudly, "This is not going to push me away."

"I know it will, Caleb." She yelled back, plainly irritated that her trick had backfired.

This charade lasted for the remainder of the week. Olivia tried to avoid Caleb as much as she could, but he wasn't willing to leave her alone. He followed her around like a lost puppy everywhere she went. He seized every opportunity to spend time with her.

Everyone was wary of what was going on between them. Caleb's actions confirmed his feelings for Olivia, whether or not he acknowledged it. Even William and Eliana thought their son had developed an affection for their goddaughter, but they didn't mind in the least.

They used to joke with Olivia's parents about how wonderful it would be if their children got married one day. Although Olivia's father was concerned about his little princess growing up too quickly, but he would rather have his best friend's son than some random person with his daughter, Livy. If he ever hurts her, he will undoubtedly have his gun loaded with bullets. He may not own guns, but he could purchase one. Her mother, on the other hand, was overjoyed at the prospect.

Olivia was sitting in her room, listening to music, on a Friday afternoon. What better way to unwind after a long day at school? Unfortunately, Caleb entered her chamber shortly after, and her peace was soon disrupted.

"Caleb, what do you want now?" With an irritated expression on her face, she inquired.

"I wanted to ask you which movie you wanted to watch. Twilight, the notebook or..." But she interrupted him.

"Watch it with your female friends and leave me alone." She told him off.

"You know, I don't like chick flicks. I was just trying to make you comfortable with me and trying to make you understand that I am sorry."

"Caleb, get out of here." She sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Okay. So, Harry Potter, it is." This made Olivia groan in frustration. She had met no one as stubborn as him.

"Fuck you, Caleb."

"So quickly. I was under the impression that you despised me." He cocked his head and smirked.

Olivia was so irritated that she smacked him across the face with her pillow. Caleb, though, was unaffected.

"What will make you leave me alone?" she asked, her voice as lovely as ever.

"Um... a movie, then a lifelong friendship, and possibly a kiss to seal the deal." He shrugged, but Olivia completely ignored his words.

They later watched the Harry Potter film together. Olivia couldn't deny she was having a good time, no matter how hard she tried. Caleb was removing the DVD from the DVD player when he noticed a picture underneath the player that caught his eye. When he took the photo out of the frame, he was surprised to see himself and Carson. He couldn't identify another female or boy, though.

It was the same photo Carson showed to Olivia.

"What is mine and Carson's photo doing with you?" He asked her.

"Now you are accusing me of stealing. Go ahead and report it to the police officer."

Olivia stood up and took a photo of him, but before she could go, he grabbed her arm and slammed her into a wall. Not harshly, but enough to make Olivia shriek in surprise.

"I told you, Olivia, I am sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I was just trying to help. I know you are pissed, and I deserve everything you threw at me, but I genuinely care for you."

Olivia was trying to escape the small space between them, but Caleb was having none of it. So instead, he placed his palms on the wall on either side of her face.

"What I am asking for is a chance, Olivia. For me, you are not a project. You are my friend, and as I have already stated, whether or not you like it, I am not leaving you."

"Everyone leaves. With time, everyone does leaves." She whispered.

"Not me. I am not everyone." He told her emphatically.

"I didn't want to frighten you. I am sorry. I should not have pushed you up against the wall." He told her, clearly aware of their approximately. They'd be kissing if either of them moved.

Olivia nodded, a little hesitant and afraid to speak or move. Not because Caleb had her trapped, but because of their closeness. She wasn't scared of being hurt by him because she knew he wouldn't dare to hurt her.

"It's a picture from our childhood," Olivia said quietly, still in the same position as him.

Caleb took a step back after hearing her words.

"We have met before?" Clearly surprised by her words.

"Yes, Carson showed me this picture. At first, I didn't realize it was you and him in it. Mom always used to love this picture. I never understood why. But when your brother showed it to me, I looked through my old belongings, and I found this very picture."

"Now that I think about it, I remember a bit of this scenario: you were being bossy and tackled me to the ground, and Carson was babysitting us." He chuckled.

"Yes." She said a sad smile on her face.

"Life was so simple back then; so much has happened since then that I did not know we had met before, and to be honest, I don't remember much about those days."

"Ditto." Olivia agreed with him.

"Who's the other guy in this picture?" He asked, confused, but after Olivia's reaction, he could only think of one name.

"It's Jason, Isn't it?"

But she remained quiet.

"I am not going to force you, Olivia, but I am here to stay." He said once more.

He would never have guessed he knew this guy. He couldn't see his full image because the picture only showed his left face. But he couldn't be sure that the other boy was Jason because Olivia never confirmed it, and her eyes told a different story.

Whatever it is, he doesn't care. Olivia may not have said anything about forgiving him, but he knew she was coming to be around him.

He was going to talk to her again, but his parents came to talk to them before he could. They had apparently decided to pay a visit to Carson over the weekend and had invited Olivia and Caleb to accompany them. Olivia was a little hesitant, but she agreed.

Who would have guessed that a return visit to Carson would have such a dramatic impact on Olivia's life? Only time will tell whether this is a good or bad thing!

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