Chapter 28

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Olivia felt awkward the following day, but Caleb, Carson, and Claudia tried to act normal around her, which she appreciated.

The breakfast was delicious and full of interesting conversations, although she did spot Carson and Claudia having a quiet conversation.

"Caleb, do you mind helping me in the kitchen?" Claudia asked after they were finished.

"Sure." He said. They both walked out, leaving Carson and Olivia behind.

"Olivia, come on, let's go into the garden." Carson stood up, with her following close behind.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Um, good." She responded.

"Well, did I thank you for what you did?" He asked.

"Carson, cut the crap and get to the point. I may be young, but I am not stupid."

"Do you get those nightmares all the time?" Again, Carson asked, this time directly to the point.

She replied with a single word, "Yes."

"You are not going to give me any details, are you?"

"No." Which made Carson sigh.

"Olivia, I think you should visit a therapist." He suggested.

She exclaimed, "No! I am not a lunatic!"

"I know Olivia. It's normal to get nightmares, but the anguish you have experienced has not gone away." He explained.

"I don't care. I am not seeing a therapist, and I will be fine when Jason returns." She expressed herself.

"Jason will never return, Olivia. This is something you have to accept."

"No, he is coming back." She was persistent.

"Olivia, he is no longer alive..." But Carson was interrupted.

"No, don't say that. He is very much alive. I will not accept the idea that he's no longer alive. How can I? After all, we never found his body. The fact that his car was drowned proves nothing." With that, Olivia stormed from there.

Olivia was burning with rage. But when she saw Caleb and Claudia, both of them were giving her a curious look, so she calmed herself and put on a fake smile on her face.

After an hour or two, both of them left from there.

Caleb was still pondering his conversation with Claudia. When he was helping her, she kept dropping a subtle hint about him liking Olivia, but he ignored her. He wasn't ready to admit that he liked Olivia. He cares for her but doesn't like her like that. He owes her.

Eliana and William were pleased to hear from Caleb and Olivia about their son and soon-to-be daughter-in-law when they arrived home, but they were concerned when Olivia excused herself and went to her room.

"Who is Jason?" He asked his parents before explaining Olivia's strange behaviour to them. This earned him a surprised look from his parents.

"Where did you learn his name? Your friends or your schoolmates?" His mom asked in a panic.

"Olivia had a nightmare and was muttering about this Jason person," Caleb explained.

Eliana and William were exchanging anxious glances.

"Caleb, it's nothing. Let it go, and I will speak with Olivia about her dreams." William made an attempt to reassure him.

"It had to be something, right? Apart from me, it appears that everyone knows who this Jason guy is. Even Carson knows him. Who the hell is he?" He asked them desperately. "Her boyfriend, friend, cousin?"

"Did Carson say anything to you about knowing Jason?" Eliana asked him curiously.

"No, but I overheard him and Olivia talking about Jason."

"Caleb, listen to me. Give Olive some time; she will tell you about him herself, and now tell us about Carson and Claudia."

Eliana and William were delighted to learn that Carson and Caleb were well, but they were equally concerned about Olivia. So, they both went to speak to her.

Olivia was enraged. She was a fiery red. She was crushing her pillow from anger which was burning inside her. When Eliana and William came to talk to her about her nightmares, she casually told them she didn't have them all the time.

Eliana was sure Caleb told them about her nightmares, even though Eliana and William didn't say who told them. Carson would never do something like that. So, she stormed into Caleb's room, clutching the pillow she had crushed.

She opened the door without knocking. Caleb was about to ask her what had happened, but she didn't wait for him to ask and tossed the pillow at him. She also began throwing cushions from his room, along with profanities and was about to toss the vase when he grabbed her by the hand.

"Why the hell are you hitting me?" He asks her loudly.

"How dare you? How dare you tell your parents about my nightmares? Yes, I might have agreed with you about telling them about Cameron, but my nightmares are altogether a different story. You had no right to tell them about it."

"Listen, Olivia; I just wanted to know who Jason is and wanted to help you with your nightmares." He tried to explain things to her, but she was having none of it.

"Help! Bullshit. And if you wanted to know Jason, you could have asked me. You didn't have to rattle about me to your parents. Don't you ever talk to me again. I am done with you."

"Listen, Livy," Caleb called her.

"It's Olivia for you. No one, I repeat, no one, except my friends and family, calls me Livy. So don't you ever call me Livy and don't even try to talk with me. You are nothing more than the son of my godparents, to whom I am indebted. And never, ever, ever try to interfere with my work or business." With that, Olivia left.

Caleb had never heard Olivia speak in this manner before. Of course, he was only trying to help her, but he did not know how sensitive Livy was about her nightmares. Things were becoming far more complicated than he had expected.

If he said Olivia's words didn't hurt him that would be an understatement. He and Olivia had recently become friends, but their friendship was wrecked when he told his parents about her awful dreams. He knew that Olivia would never have ever told him about Jason.

This Jason guy meant something to her. After all, she was having nightmares about him. He could have been a friend or boyfriend, or he may have been abusive. His parents' remark was enough to convince him that everyone who knew Olivia, including Mason and Sia, knew Jason. He'd like to know everything there is to know about Jason, but he won't ask anyone. Already, his relationship with Olivia has caused a dent. He didn't want to make the situation worse.

First and foremost, he must repair his friendship with Olivia at all costs. He isn't ready to let go of her now that he has gotten to know her better. Olivia was a special kind of friend. So, he is going to apologize to her even if he gets some harsh words or a beating from her.

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