Chapter 15

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Olivia was walking down the road, lost in her thoughts, when a car pulled up beside her, causing her to shriek. When she looked to her side, she saw Caleb sitting in the driver's seat, looking at her with soft eyes.

"Olivia, get in the car." He told her softly, although it was no less than an order.

"No, thank you; I am fine walking." She told him sternly as she continued down the road.

"Stop being stubborn and get in the car. We are going to the same place, so it's pointless to go separately." He stated the obvious.

"Look, Caleb. What you are trying to do is unnecessary; Okay! And as it is, I am not going to your house." She stated.

"Wait! What do you mean? Where are you going?" He questioned, puzzled and intrigued.

"For work." Olivia's words astounded him. She took his words seriously.

"I will drop you off there."

"I am not going to get high if that's what you are looking for." She snapped at him.

"I didn't mean in that way. Come on, Livy. Get in the car. I am going to drop you. There is no hidden agenda."

"This is the first time you have called me Livy." She murmured and sat in his car, only to discover Sia in the back seat and Mason in the passenger seat.

"We forgive you, best friend," Sia exclaimed and hugged her friend.

"I never apologized, to begin with?" Olivia was stunned. She had not expected them to forgive her so quickly.

"No, you didn't, but we know you well enough to know you still care about us."

"Sia is right. We were just upset that you didn't reply to us. But we also know that you love us and still consider us as your best friends. So, Ms. Olivia Brown, you are stuck with us for the rest of your life." Olivia smiled as she heard Mason's words.

"So, where are you going?" Caleb asked.

"Grace's library,"

"You working there?" He asked her in astonishment.

"Mom used to take us to her library when I was a kid. I love that place, and Grace agreed to let me work there when I visited on the day your parents left for work out of town. The pay is also good, and working there is more convenient." She explained.

Olivia's use of the word 'us' perplexed Caleb. Olivia. From what he had gathered, Olivia was an only child. So why did she use us? Possibly her mother used to take Olivia, Mason, and Sia there. But about visiting Grace, he realized something.

'That was the day he lashed at Olivia and forced her to leave his house.' Caleb sighed, feeling guilty. How badly he has messed with her.

Caleb quietly dropped Olivia where she asked him to, but not before saying, "From tomorrow, you don't need to drop me anywhere. I have got my old truck repaired. Thank you for the ride." With that, she left, leaving him baffled.

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