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"Caleb, will you do it faster? For once in life, put your muscles to some good use." Olivia shouted at him angrily while walking behind him with a huge cardboard box in her hand.

"I am trying, Olivia. Boxes are apparently not that light. Little help from you would be very nice." He glared at her.

"Remind me again why did I agree with your idea of living together?" She crossed her arm.

"Because it is easier to stay with each other as we will be going to the same college." He rolled his eyes.

"Just for convenience, right? Take this box also with you." With that, Olivia placed the same box filled with their belongings above the box that Caleb was already carrying.

"Oomph!! Really Livy. Aren't you bossy?" He told her, still carried both the boxes and kept them safely near the couch of their new home.

Olivia only shrugged at his response. "I already told you that old Olivia is difficult to handle."

"But I love her all the same." He winked at her.

"Don't you now?" She came closer to him.

"Well, how could I not when I have got the most amazing girlfriend ever?"

Olivia gave him a wide smile, which lightened Caleb's world. He kissed her to show his emotion, which he felt for her.

"Guys, seriously! Give me a break. It's not a pleasant sight to see my sister eating your face." James gagged.

"Suck it up, James. Imagine my misery of you doing the same with Stella." Olivia rolled her eyes.

"It's misery for you but not for Stella." He smirked, which earned him a slap on his head from his girlfriend.

"Jesus Christ! Stella, I didn't mean it that way." James defended himself.

"Get used to it James, girls look only innocent from face, but they are a devil in disguise," Zack told him, while Mason standing beside him was nodding his head in support.

"Really, boys. We are evil, right? So now, you four guys are going to set up our new flats while we girls are going to sit here and enjoy the show." Sia stated, glaring at all of them.

"Baby, Zack didn't mean it like that. Did you?" Mason poked him to agree with him.

"Of course. You girls, the devil... Never." He said.

"You are oxygen to our life," James stated.

"Seriously, James, oxygen." Stella gave him a frown. "That's horrible."

"Guys, will you get out of here? I was having a good time with my girlfriend until you people ruined it." Caleb folded his hands.

"Fine, we are leaving. But, Caleb, you should be glad I like you, or else you won't be standing here calling my twin your girlfriend."

"Ya right! That didn't stop you from warning me." He murmured.

"That's called brother duty, my friend. Plus, it's fun threatening you."

"Stop harassing Caleb, James. Now you people shoo." With that, everyone left and went inside their own house. Certainly, all of them took apartments in the same building.

"This is going to be a regular thing, isn't it?" Caleb asked her.

"Yes, but we don't want to have it any other way." Olivia smiled.

"No, we don't."


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