chapter 42

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After a little confession by Mason and Sia, both of them went home.

Presently, Caleb and Olivia were sitting on the bed in Olivia's room; both of them were lost in their own thoughts. Caleb was rubbing her palm with his fingers.

"I am glad that both of them finally got together," Olivia said out of the blue.

"Me too. James missed it, didn't he?" He looked at her.

"Blame him for having a sleepover at Zach's place today." Olivia rolled her eyes.

After two minutes of silence, Olivia took a deep breath and finally told him what she had wanted to tell him for the past few weeks. "Caleb, thank you for everything that you have done for me."

"Olivia, don't thank me. I did what I had to do. "I don't see you upset or dealing with unwanted emotions or negative vibes." He told her.

"Why?" She asked him softly, looking at his eyes.

"The same reason you saved Carson and me by taking your own life." He told her.

"It's not the same, Caleb." She looked down.

"Please explain to me how it's not the same?" He asked her in annoyance.

Olivia stood up and went away from him to stand.

"It's just not." She crossed her arm, her back facing his front.

"So, what you did back there was just some kind of repayment for our hospitality?" He turned her around, facing him.

"No, I..."

"Olivia, I like you. I like you a lot. And I know you feel the same way. I never gave you a chance to like me, yet you saved me. I have always liked you, but my past experience had blinded my eyes. Give me a chance to prove myself." He grabbed both her hands. He had been meaning to tell her his feelings for a long time, but he couldn't find the right moment. As it is, there is no right time for anything.

"It's not you, Caleb. It's me." She told him after his sudden confession to her.

"Don't pull that shitty line on me."

"No, listen to me, Caleb. You have always given me a chance to like you. Even if you didn't like me before, you still helped me in any way you could. You are helping me now by supporting me. I do like you. I really like you, Caleb." She confessed.

"Then why?" He asked in confusion.

"Look at me, Caleb. I am not yet healed. I still struggle with mental pain. I come with lots of baggage. You know me, yet you don't know the real Olivia Brown. I am a lot different from the girl who you have seen or been with for so many months. I cannot let you suffer because of me. If I were my old self, I would have come to you long back and confessed my feelings for you. Heck, I would have gone down on one knee and asked you to be my boyfriend. But things are different now. It's not fair to you to be with someone who is searching for her own self." She told him with tears falling from her eyes.

"Then I will give you all the time you need in the world. I will wait for the day when you come to me and get down on your knees and ask me to be your boyfriend because trust me, Olivia, I am not allowing you to leave me. And always remember that I don't care who is real you because I am going to love all the shades of Olivia Brown, and I am going to be there at every step to help you with everything."

With that, he kissed her forehead and hugged her tight.

Another month passed, and Caleb made no moves on her, despite Olivia seeing in his eyes love for her as well as his efforts on her.

Everyone tried to talk her out of her decision, but she was firm about it. Olivia wanted to be with him, but her anxiety did not let her. Wherever she went, she was surrounded by so many couples, and that did not help her case.

James and Stella were also together. How could they not? They had been separated for long enough. Mason and Sia were going strong, and Zach and Gabriella were also doing well.

So, to distract herself, she made her friends remember the music competition that was going to be held before the Christmas break.

It was a great distraction for her as full-fledged rehearsals started. Jenna was back to her old self, but not as horrible as before. Things were almost normal, except for her longing for Caleb.

It was not a merry-go-round for Caleb either, but he was glad. Good things were happening to Olivia. Aaron and Madison finally convinced Olivia and James to tell the truth to Cameron, and luckily, after the confession, nothing changed in their relationship except their bond became stronger than ever before. But they didn't tell him the whole truth, as he was too young to understand this stuff. They only told him about twins being their siblings, but as their little brother grows old, they will tell him the whole truth.

With time another month passed, and their school won the competition. During that period, Claudia also gave birth to a baby girl, Rubina. Within no time, their Christmas break started.

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