Chapter 26

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It was Friday.

Olivia got ready for school and walked instead of taking her car.

"Do you mind if I join you?" Caleb asked. In response, she shrugged.

Things were still tense between them, and even in the house, things were spiced up. He couldn't bring himself to apologize to Olivia. Instead, they made their way silently to school.

Olivia was pushed before the lecture could begin, causing her to land on her back on the locker.

Olivia exclaimed, "What the hell?"

"Shit! Are you okay, Olivia?" Caleb dashed towards her, inspecting her for injuries.

"Shut up, bitch. How dare you? I was supposed to go to the competition, and you took it from me." Jenna shouted at her.

"It was a fair game, Jenna," Caleb replied on Olivia's behalf.

"Caleb, stop defending Olivia. She is nothing but a piece of shit." She told him.

"Stop bad-mouthing about her," Caleb told her firmly.

Olivia was taken aback to see Caleb defending her. Further, Jenna had gotten a lot of attention.

"Caleb, please. You all have such a positive image of Olivia, but you should be aware that she is not so innocent." Jenna grinned.

"Jenna, what are you trying to say? Say it to my face." Olivia fixed her gaze on her.

"Well, why don't you tell us who you usually go out to after school?"

Olivia stiffened because of Jenna's words.

"What happened, Olivia? Ashamed of the truth coming out. You wouldn't want people to know how the little kid was a mistake. That's how you end up with a child you are ashamed of. You couldn't bear looking at your mistake, so you gave him to someone else. But you still go and see him." Jenna continued to speak.

Olivia had no idea Jenna would go to such lengths to follow her around to gather dirt on her.

Olivia was enraged by Jenna's words, prompting Olivia to slap her twice in the face. She was about to punch her again when Caleb grabbed her hand and drew her out of school with him.

"Don't worry, Olivia; none of us believe her. We all know she's just jealous and made everything up. Let's head home." Caleb rested his hand on her shoulder, attempting to calm her down.

"You up to walk?" Olivia asked him, still breathing hard.

"Oh yeah, sure." He didn't know how else to respond to her.

"It's nearly an hour's walk." She informed him.

"I don't mind."

Which she acknowledged with a nod.

Caleb accompanied her on the entire walk, which was completely silent. Finally, they arrived at their destination after an hour. Caleb stood in front of a two-storey home. Olivia motioned for him to follow her inside.

She pressed the doorbell, and a lady answered. "Olivia, what a wonderful surprise. You even bought a guest. Come on in, you two."

"Madison, this is my friend Caleb. He is the son of my godparents, whom I have previously mentioned, and Caleb, this is Madison, Cameron's guardian."

Caleb was about to ask her who Cameron was when a small child came down the stairs and hugged Olivia.

Caleb was taken aback by the similarities between them. Jenna was correct about Olivia. That's what he believed. He wanted to ask her a lot of questions, but he knew it wasn't the appropriate time. So he stayed with Olivia until the evening, playing with the child. Cameron was a pretty cool kid for his age. He had a good time with him and Olivia. Olivia appeared pleased to be spending time with Cameron.

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