Chapter 27

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Eliana and William were delighted to learn that Caleb had finally decided to speak with Carson. Following Olivia's outburst, both of them attempted to contact their elder son. But it was a waste of time because Carson was firm in his decision to discontinue all contact with his family. Fortunately, they were able to locate his fiancée, Claudia. William spoke with her and learned about his son's whereabouts.

Olivia didn't want to ruin the Knights' family's happiness by bringing Cameron. It was their time, not hers, but she was out of luck when Caleb signalled her to speak with his parents about Cameron. So, Olivia had no choice but to tell them about her secret.

Eliana and William were both surprised to learn Olivia had a younger brother. They wanted to know about him, and she gladly informed them about her younger brother. Of course, Olivia left out the part about her parents abusing her, but she did tell them about Cameron being exposed to the wrong influences in his life and her parents being too preoccupied with their new life to notice their youngest son. Caleb's parents couldn't believe their late best friend would do something like that. Those two were the kindest people they'd ever met. They both thought it was strange that they would do something so careless.

Olivia's parents, Matt and Kelly, loved their children. When they first learned of their deaths, they found it difficult to believe that they had died because of a drug overdose. They'd never been involved in anything like that before. They supported Olivia while keeping their thoughts to themselves, but not before demanding to meet their godson. William had known Madison through her pregnancy and was relieved that Cameron was in good hands.

After a long day, they both agreed to meet Carson the next day.

The next day, they were both sitting in Caleb's car. It was three hours' drive. Carson currently reside in Greenbury with Claudia.

He had never been there but when he searched on Internet, it seemed to be beautiful place.

"Who would have guessed that three months after meeting, we'd be travelling together to meet my brother?" Caleb wondered.

"Not me, at any rate." Olivia chuckled.

"Do you mind if I ask you a question?" He asked her nervously.

"Sure." She said, shrugging.

"What will happen to Cameron once you leave here? Isn't he going to be heartbroken because his sister abandoned him?"

"He has no idea I am his sister." She gave him a sad smile.

"Wh... what!! Why?"

"It's better that way. He's a kid, and he doesn't need to know about his broken family history. He is with Aaron and Madison, both of whom absolutely love him. And he will eventually forget me or remember me as a girl who used to play with him."

"So, how about you? How will you live without him, and doesn't he have the right to know the truth?" He questioned her.

"Sometimes memories are all that is required for survival. And as for the truth, when Cammy reaches the appropriate age, Aaron and Madison will tell him, or I will tell him when I am sick of living without him."

"Where will you go through, to your folks or...?"

"Caleb, I honestly don't know, but probably somewhere far away from here. I have too many memories here, and it can get a little suffocating at times. So maybe I will go somewhere where I don't know anyone, but I will figure something out."

Caleb knew that was the end of his discussion on this subject.

At the moment, he was nervous about meeting his brother, which didn't go unnoticed by Olivia. "Caleb, you will be fine; just take a deep breath and ring the bell. Everything will go smoothly." To which he nodded. He took a deep breath and rang the bell.

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